Chapter 24

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[Emily's POV]

I walk into Day Care holding Kaitlyn's hand.
"Hi! Please sign your name and your daughter's name right here please." the lady at the counter says. I write my name, Kaitlyn's, my phone number, and Aaron's phone number.
"Is she allergic to anything?"
"No." I answer.
"Okay, she will be in room 3b. You can take her back now!" she says.
"Great thanks!" I say and walk back to 3b.
"You must be Kaitlyn!" a lady says.
"Hi I'm Mrs.Lisa!" she adds.
"Hi, Emily." I say shaking hands with her.
"Will your husband ever pick her up?"
"Probably not, it just depends on how much work we have to do."
"Okay great! I will see you later?"
"Maybe..We work for the BAU but I have a nanny for her, on days that we have a case."
"Okay can you give me her name and number?" she asks handing me a sheet of paper. I write down Kate Callahan. She used to work for the BAU, until she had a couple kids, then just couldn't be away from them all the time.
"Thanks!" she says. I hug Kaitlyn and kiss her.
"Bye mommy!" she says.
"Bye sweetheart." I say as she runs to play with her friends. I turn and walk out.

I open the doors of the BAU and see JJ's face light up.
"Emily!" she says running to me and giving me a hug.
"I missed you so much!" she says breaking away.
"I missed you too!"
"So how's Kaitlyn?"
"She's good!"
"That's great!"
"Where is everyone?"
"I guess their not here yet." she says shrugging her shoulders.
"Oh..." I say. I hear the doors open and turn to see who it is.
"Emily!" Reid says hugging me. He asks me how Kaitlyn is and how I am.
"Hey guys we.....oh my god Emily your back!" Garcia says holding a file.
"Do we have a case?" JJ asks.
"Yeah yeah Emily how are you? I missed you so much!" Garcia says.
"I missed you too!"
"Okay well Hotch wants us in their so we should probably go." she says.
I take a seat noticing that Morgan and Rossi aren't there.
"Where's Morgan and Rossi?" I ask. No one answers.
"They aren't in the BAU anymore..." Reid finally tells me. I look at Hotch next to me.
"You didn't tell me?"

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