Untitled Part 9

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((hey guys, did you enjoy my little cliff hanger?

mwahahaha!!!!! XD

But anyway, i feel really bad because i one, kept you waiting for like, a week and a half. and two, it was a clif hangerish thing.

I have so many ideas for this story, but they are all for later on! Im having a bit of writers block at the moment, so any ideas would be much appreciated.

But! i have a request! i need all of you guys to go pm KitterKatt and tell her to UPDATE THALICO: LIGHT FROM DARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

Anyway, heres the chapter :)



NICO FELT LIKE someone had ran him over with a steam roller. To be more specific, terrible.

His head ached, his limbs where soar, his ears where ringing, but atleast he could feel them now.

He squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a moan.

"Nico!" someone shouted, it was the first sound he had heard (besides the ringing in his ears) since he blacked out.

He shook his head, slowly opening his heavy eyelids.

The fist thing he saw scared the living shit out of him, as soon as he opened his eyes, he was met with a pair of startling electric blue ones.

Nico was pretty sure his heart leaped out of his chest, Thalia was freaking scary when your not expecting her.

"Oh my god are you ok?!" She sounded very concerend and flustered, "Whn me and Annabeth where walking to our lockers from lunch there was this big hord of kids all crowding around someone, and when we went up to look you where just laying there! They said you suddenly just freaked out! Like you had some sort of panick attack! are you alright?!"

Nico sleepiliy waved her off, insisting that he was fine, even though he most definatly wasn't.

It acured to him for the first time that he had absilutly no idea where he was, he sat up, frantically looking around to find himself..... in his bed room?

He shot Thalia a questioning look, wondring how he had got there.

"Oh, the nurse said you where fine, but you probably shouldn't stay at school. She sent you home, but ah,

I insisted i come with you. to, you know, watch you. If you woke up here alone, only remebering passing out in the hallway, well, you might just have another panick attack." she tried to put humor into her words, but it wasnt working.

Nico wanted to say, you almost gave me a panick attack yourself. but that was not going to happen.

'Oh! the nurse said that you might have some minor bruing, so i should check when we got home, but..... ah, im gonna leave that to you....." Thalia looked very uncomfortable, and Nico almost wanted to laugh.

He nodded, i was a  mirical that the nurse didnt check herself, god.... that would have been catistophic. For him at least, he wasnt exactally in the mood to be shipped off to a menal hospital.

"Well anyway, you can rest, do your thing, what ever. but im here, i was thinking about watching a horror movie, if your interested...." she trailed off, giving him  a questioning look.

Nico shrugged, silently cursing himself for agreign to this.

"Cool!" Thalia's eyes lit up, making her electic blue orbs sparkle, and he could almost see lightning flashing through them. "How does pet cemitary sound?! Ive been meaning to watch that for ages! "

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