Untitled Part 4

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so.... i havent updated in a while, yeah im sorry... like, youll probanly get random updates from random unfinished books for a while until i finish them all.

them ill start, ONE book, yes ive learned my lesson. Never getting myself into this mess again.

Atleast i can say im not one of those authors that desnt update in six months :)




NICO LAID ON HIS bed, just think about, well, everything.

The walls around him, and the whole room for that matter, was black. back and red, making it seem much darker and letting the shadows engulf him.

He thought about how school would start in a few hours, had how he wished he could stay here alone, but it was unavoidable. Well, unless he was dead, maybe he could just die. Then he wouldn't have to deal with any of this, and surely, where ever he would go would be better than this.

He sighed, these suicidal thoughts didn't even scare him anymore, they where normal for him. He'd even attempted suicide once, attempted. But he's been caught by Jasmine, and that's the story of how Nico lost his only other knife.

He remembered the first time he'd ever had these thoughts, and how it had scared him half to death.
 He was only twelve, it had been two years since his sister dyed.

A tear ran down Nico's cheek, as he thought about Bianca.

Two years since he had started going to the dreadful homes alone, he had been through so much shit at those homes. Everything from fiscal and sexual abuse, to verbal and mental abuse.

The bullies at school, or, as he liked to call it, living hell, where worse than ever. And he had sat in his room that night, thinking of all of the things they had said, and unfortunately, taking it to heart.
 He had thought about the most hurtful line that came out of any of their mouths, "You should have died with your sister!"

No, he thought, I should have died instead of my sister. And thinking a second time, he muttered. "I should just die."

Thinking farther into the subject, and his poor excuse for a life, some thoughts started to form.
 He gave a quite bitter laugh, "Even hell would be better than this, I could easily slit my wrist deep enough..."

All of the sudden, the young boys heart kept, what the fuck did he just think? Shit, is he really suicidal now? This thought scared him senseless. he knew, he wanted to leave this terrible place, but at the sane time, the thought of ending his life, no matter how pitiful, frightened him a great deal.

Nico let this memory play through his mind, and he wished the thought still scared him. But he was to far gone, pills and therapy wouldn't do any good, he was a lost cause.

He was snapped out of his thoughts, by a banging on the door, Thalia's voice rang out, "Nico! You need to take your meds!"

"Speaking if the devil" he muttered, refuting to the pills, and slowly slid off his bed, shuffling over to the door and swinging it open.

Thalia handed him the egg cup, holding all 11,of the pills and a glass of water.
 he took the egg cup up, and spilling the medication into his mouth, followed by a gulp of the tap water.

He handed her back the unfinished water, and turned to leave.

Thalia placed a hand on his shoulder, "You ever gonna fucking talk?"

Nico glared at her, not speaking a word, and turning away from the girl.

She tried to get him to talk alot, would she ever get it through her head that he doesn't trust people? No matter how nice they seem, everything always turns sour for Nico, why even try?

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