Untitled Part 16

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Hey guys, it has come to my attention that this story doesn't have enough tragedy. That's why I'm going to spice it up a bit more! Yes, I am going o screw Nico's life over even further. Isn't that great?! -_-

 I've also deleted the Kellic prologue thing have up cause I keep getting new ideas for the plot and decided just to decide when the time comes. So yeah.

 I'm thinking about starting a Solangelo because I really like that ship and if I don't than I'm gonna end up putting way to much Solangelo into this fic and it just wont even be Thalico anymore cause I wont be able to break Will and Nico up and yeah... ill be a mess. Someone suggested I make a secondary book that goes off of this but focuses on that ship instead, and, I liked that idea..... but get bored of my plots very easily, that's why my books are usually like 10 chapters long, like, I really wanna do something different already. SO by the tie this is finished I'm gonna want nothing to do with this book ever again and ill need a fresh plot. so sorry, that's wh tat will not be happening.

  I want to put this up now so that there is time for the right person to find it, but, holy shit, I figured out that I can not write smut for the life of me. Like, its really bad. SO, if you guys want smutty future chapters, I need someone to write them for me. Full credit will be given to that person, I will also dedicate that chapter to them and give their works (assuming they have some) some advertisement. I will give you any details that I want in the chapter but the rest if fully up to you, all I ask is that it is solely smut. I promised you guys that smut will never have anything to do with the plot so you can skip It if you want. If your interested please PM me, otherwise this story will not have any smut. I'm sorry but I cant write it, if I did it myself you would end up skipping it anyway because it was just so horridly written. PLEASE PM ME IF YOU WOUL DO IT! I REALLY NEED SOMEONE

Anyway, here's the chapter.


Nico stared at his bedroom wall, not moving, not speaking, only thinking. Thalia had tried talking to him, so had Jason, but nothing worked, even Bianca's desperate attempt where to no avail.

Nico couldn't deal with them right now, he couldn't deal with anyone at that moment, because he was terrified. His thoughts, his mind, the only place where they couldn't get him, where he couldn't be hurt, couldn't be destroyed, had been take over. Right then and there, Nico was hopelessly lost in his thoughts, but he wasn't alone.

It had started a few hours ago, when Nico was going through an unexpected- but not uncommon -wave of depression. He felt as if the whole world was against him, fighting a huge war with him stuck right smack in the middle of it all. The bullying had been worse today, he had texted Will- the employee from Starbucks - and they had managed to have a decent phone conversation, not two days later it had some how gotten around that Nico was flirting with him; and that when it got worse. Name calling, more and more beatings, anonymous notes I his locket day after da telling him to go kill himself. So yes, he was having a bit of depression spike- if you could call it that. He was buried under his mounds of covers, crying softly to himself, thinking that maybe he should go kill himself, maybe it was time to end it. But what he wasn't expecting was a reply.

Do it faggot, no one will miss you anyway. It had said.

Nico had heard of depressed kids having voices in their heads, telling them to do horrible things, but had never personally had one. Now he understood, the kids for the orphanage, how they would breakdown, covering their ears and screaming for the voice to stop- for it to shut up. He understood, the panic, the desperation, because now he had his own.

It had been taunting him all night,

They're right you know, your a worthless fuck up who doesn't deserve life.

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