Untitled Part 24

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((Ok, so first, SLIGHT SMUT WARNING!! So sorry for the random periods, I'm just trying to make sure Wattpad doesn't set this to private :/


Thirdly, sorry this is lateish, but I completely forgot about writing it, I'm sorry...

Fourthly, there will not be italics in this chapter cause I'm lazy and just want to get this up, but I will edit the next chapter to perfection, I promise.

and finally, ENJOY!))



There was only one thought running through Nico's usually immensely crowded, totally fu.cked, sometimes psychotic, magic thinking machine that was better known as a brain. Nico wasn't sure why it was called a brain, he was sure there was some long scientific answer involving long Latin words and cranky ancient scientists, but he really didn't give a f.uck and just wanted a straight simple answer for once. So maybe there where two thoughts running through his head, but none the less, one slightly more prominent, and much more relevant, being a simple 'fu.ck my life', because Nico was beyond confused and slightly worried that there was something mentally wrong with him, or more so than before, because after all that just happened his mind really should have been absolutely buzzing rather than practically blank, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of this.
 It had been a normal day Nico, following the same boring, repetitive, slightly mind numbing rue teen that he had some how managed to fall into, but his therapist insisted repetition was good for him at this point and for once he was deciding it might be useful to at least attempt to listen to what was best, or rather, what others thought was best for Nico, seeing as both he and Bianca agreed, doing it his own way was not working.
 Anyway, Nico had been going about his daily boring sh.it, wake up, contemplate the meaning of life and the purpose of his existence untill Thalia yells at him and says he's going to make them late, shower, get dressed, either make up some excuse as to why he was most definitely not hungry in the slightest or rummage through the kitchen for something under eighty calories, blah blah blah. He had been lounging around on the couch with Thalia, listening to old Sleeping With Sirens and cursing them for changing their style.
 "I'll Take You There" came on, and Nico had been smirking widely because frankly, this was one of his all time favorite Sleeping With Sirens songs and Shayley being in it just made it one thousand times better. So he and Thalia had been singing along, dancing around the room like idiots, both warring their favorite SWS merch because they where in a mood, and they felt it was necessary and da.mn anyone who would try and stop them. Not to mention, Jason had made sure to tell them how incredibly stupid they where being which only made them want to do it more, embrace anything Jason found idiotic.
 After a few minutes of jumping around and singing terribly at the top of their lungs, the extremely out of shape Nico was catching his breath on the couch watching Thalia dance to "Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime" and quite probably getting a hard on as she started to shake her ass quite se.xually and definitely attractively and well, the nature of this song was not really doing Nico any favors.
 The song ended and Thalia flopped down beside the boy in a fit of giggles, she looked over at him, a big grin spread out across her face that was slowly morphing into an affectionate gaze and Nico was starting to realize she hadn't looked away yet and this was definitely to long to be normal eye contact.
 She bit her lip softly and definitely se.xually, and Nico definitely had a ha.rd on. Nico's brain must have been going a bit slow seeing as all the blood was rushing to his di.ck, or maybe it was just an off day for him, but the fact was it was just occurring to him now that Thalia was definitely taken, and she was definitely not just thinking of him as a foster brother at that moment, and that was definitely her hand on Nico's thigh, and this was all a bit off. But maybe it was once again the fact that Nico wasn't exactly thinking straight right then but fu.ck it, he decided not to care because as hard as he was trying to forget about her she was practically eye fu.cking him and who the hell was he to be stupid enough to object?
 That's when her wandering eyes caught sight of the problem developing in Nico's skinny jeans and she looked up at him with her eyebrows slightly raised and a small smile playing on her soft pink lips that Nico was definitely not staring at.
 He blushed bright red, panic filling his gut because now the cats out of the bag and Thalia definitely hates him. But that's when Nico was met something he definitely was not expecting, and Thalia, leaned in and pressed her lips against his, and for the record, they where much softer than they looked.
Nico's eyes widened for just a second before melting into the kiss, because this definitely could not be real, so he better hurry up and make the most of this before he woke up to the disappointment of Thalia yelling at him to get his as.s out of bed and he would realize this was all simply a dream and Thalia would be back to dancing with him to metalcore songs in their favorite band Ts and as much as Nico cherished those moments, he would not be able to live with this being his imagination.
Thalia smirked into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Nico's neck as she deepened the kiss, tugging on his hair earning a mo.an from the boy.
Nico's hands found their way to Thalia's as.s, sliding his tongue over her lips, giving a small grunt as she denied him access.
Thalia climbed up onto him, str.adling his waist and gri.nding down into him, pushing her own tongue into Nico's mouth as he mo.aned in pleasure. "bi.tch" he mumbled against her lips as they battled for dominance.
 "Hmm, I like control." She replied, gr.inding down on his growing di.ck once again, earning a yelp from Nico, "fu.ck!" He let out, sliding his hands up under her shirt, exploring her body as he lowered her down against the couch, holding himself up on top of her.
 "I could have guessed" Nico pulled away, pulling off her shirt and attacking her lips again, running his hands all over her stomach and sides, admiring her body and wishing to see the rest of it.
 "You didn't before?" Thalia tugged down Nico's jeans, slowly starting to pa.lm Nico through his boxers. Smiling widely as he let out a horse "H-holy fu.ck!"
 "You like that?" She asked sedu.ctively, slowly slipping her hand underneath the fabric, giving him a small sque.eze and smiling wildly at the string of moa.ns and profanities coming from his mouth.
 "G-good lord yes" he mo.aned, kissing her lustfully, and with difficulty dude to all the moa.ning he was doing, as she started to pu.mp him, working her hand up and down his co.ck as she attacked his lips.
 "T-Thalia- good lord- FU.CK-" he stuttered, to overwhelmed by the pure pleasure coursing through him to put up any sort of fight as Thalia flipped them over, not wanting to be squashed and killed, ok, maybe not killed but still.
 She flicked her finger over the tip before continuing to pu.mp, using her other hand to rub small circles into Nico's thigh.
 "T-Thalia, please- I- OH SH.IT!" He exclaimed as she took him in.to her mouth, bo.bing her head up and down o.n him and swirling her to.ngue around his ti.p and massa.ging her sensitive skin around his di.ck with her hands.
 "F-fu.ck!" Nico cried, throwing his head back against the couch, "T-Thalia I'm close!" He stuttered, thrusting into her mou.th and gripping the fabric of the couch hard.
 "Well when you do, I want you to scream my fu.cking name for me, fu.cking scream it." She demanded, taking him back into her mou.th and suc.king hard, bo.bing up and down as fast as she could, massaging him with her ton.gue and bracing her self for his rel.ease.
 "THALIA!" Nico shouted, sho.oting into her mo.uth and collapsing back against the couch as she pulled away, swallowing and tossing Nico a flirty smirk as she snatched up her shirt and pulled it back up over her head.
 "Oh god Thalia." Nico panted, glancing over at her and watching as she slipped on her shoes, "Where are you going?"
 "Oh!" She turned to him, "I'm meeting Luke for dinner." She pulled on her jacket, ignoring Nico's stare, "That was fun by the way, but I gotta run. We should do that again sometime, but maybe next time there will be less cu.m in my mouth and more cu.m in my pu.ssy." She gave him a flirtatious, suduc.tive wink before making her way out of the apartment, leaving Nico saying on the couch, half naked and sexually fulfilled and confused but most importantly, wanting her more than ever. "definitely." He whispered, not caring that she couldn't hear him.
 And now here Nico was, still laying on the couch, his pants now pulled up, not sure how he should be reacting to this.
 Because he would usually be thinking maybe he was winning for once, but the fact that she went out to have dinner with Luke and most definitely make him cu.m just as she had done to Nico right before, and so maybe he wasn't winning. Maybe it was the opposite, maybe he wad losing, maybe this was all just a game to her, and maybe she wanted nothing more than a good fu.ck from Nico, not caring if he was possibly attracted to her as more than a fu.ck buddy. Maybe Nico was just a fling and Luke was who she really wanted, maybe she was drugged up and Nico was unknowingly taking advantage of her.
 All these thoughts where running through his head and yet the only conclusion he could come up with was that he needed to stop thus and run as far away from this sh.it as he could.
 So when he saw a text from Will asking him to come visit him at work again, Nico decided maybe this was just the thing he needed to clear his head. And maybe seeing Will, who also made Nico sexually frustrated and confused, was not the best idea at the time, but Nico was never very good at doing what was best for him now was he? So as he read the text, 'Im bored, come entertain me sexy ;) x' he found himself smirking and deciding this was the perfect way to get his mind off of Thalia, so with that thought in mind Nico picked up his phone, smiling and seeing a quick, 'Definitely'

((ok, so I put 'Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime' at the top, give it a listen, its a great song.

tell me how i did, vote comment and follow please, i love all of you so much, see ya next week!))

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