Untitled Part 8

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hey guys!
where any of you good people and listened to the song???

No, its fine if you didnt you probably didnt...

i actually edited this again! Yay!



Nico had been having a really shitty day so far, so he really wasnt looking forword to lunch.

He was positive Thalia and her friend woud think of him as a freak. Sure Annabeth was nice to him, but she surely didnt like him. She was probably just being nice.

Nico opened his locker, shoving in his math books and swinging it shut again. As much as he hated the idea of meating new people, Nico was anxiouse to get to lunch. The hallway was always way to crowded, and made his anthropophobia ((the fear of people)) go haywire.

He glanced around the hallway nervously as he speed walked to the cafiteria.

He walked in the double doors, glaning aroun untill he spotted her, the tall girl with the spikey black hair and the punk/goth clothes.

As he aproched her, he noticed that the Bring Me The Horizon shirt made her look very slim, pretty even.

When he was about ten feet from the table, she noticed him, a smile played against her lips as she waved him over.

He didnt smile back, but it made him feel slightly better to know that she was truley happy to see him. THere was no mistaking that smile. IT was no doubt real, no one can pool off a completely convincing fake. And even if they could, Nico was very good with details, remember?

But what ever small bit of reasuence vanished as he noticed how many frinds the girl had.

there where at least six of them, yes, six, exactly. Not counting Thalia.

Thalia noticed his nervous look, and gestured for him to take the seat beside her.

Nico awkwardly sat beside the smiling girl, glancing around the group, praying that there wouldnt be introductions. God this was going to be a long lunch period.

"Hey guys!" THalia shoued to be heard over the noise.

She had to yell twice more, but evntually the conversations at the table stopped, all attention focused on her.

"Ok so, some of you may know, me and Jason got a new brother! Hes a foster kid, we took him in, his name is Nico. Can you stand up so they can see you?"

Nico stiffend, not wanting to draw any attention to himself, so instead he looked over at Thalia, shaking his head no.

Thalia rolled her eyes, then said softly so not to be heard by the rest of the group, "Come on Nico, you dont have to say nothin."

He shook his head again, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Well ayway," Thalia started, "Nico's, ah, shy, but hes here beside me. Say hi to him when you got the chance, got it. And oh, if he doesnt reply dont sweat it, hes not one for talking, like, at all. But ah, maybe introduce yourselves will ya?"

Annabeth smiled and waved at me, "Well you already know me. But im Annabeth."

Percy glanced over at NIco from his seat beside Annabeth, "You know me too, ah, im, ah, Percy. But you know that." He sill seemed nervous, and Nico really wanted to smile now.

Next was a pretty girl, he reminded him of Bianca in a way, she had her nose and mouth. "Im Hazel." She had dark skin, and dark chocolate colored curly/frizzy hair that was just past her shoulders, her golden eyes glittered sweetly. Hazel reminded him of Jasmin, in more ways than one. But he just couldnt shake the feeling that she looked a little to much like Bianca.

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