Untitled Part 7

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oh my god guys im in a hard core Thalico fluff mood!!

i just want to sit down and write some hard core fluff, but unfortunatly, im stuck writing this shit.

They arent even in the friend zone yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Camper: Thats your fault!

do you want a good, gradual plot, or a rushed not so good plot?

YOou know what i hate? when your reading a fanfic and its like, hunters come back, Nico says hi to Thalia, and all the sudden its like a slap in the face. BAM! They are making out in his cabin.

Rushed plots are not fun plots!

You know im craving fluff really bad when just writing making out in his cabin gives me feels.......

Holy fuck im rambling again...... On with the chapter!


(I guess third person for just a quick second.....)

There was a banging on Nico's door, and a voice rang out. "Come on NIco! Its time to take your pills!"

But Unfortunatly, Nico slept like a rock, nothing could wake that kid up when he was tired.

Thalia banged against the door, louder this time, "Come on Nico! Dont make me come in there!"

But the exauhsted boy just continued to snore. But it was his fault for staying up till four drinking.

He still reaked of alcohol, anyone coming in would become aware or his activitys the past night. And the fact that he was sprawled out on the floor didnt help matters.

Thalia tried barging in and waking the boy up, but fortunatly for him, he kept his door locked, and the girl couldnt get into his room.

"Damn it." she cursed under her breath, knowing that there was now no way to get the boy up for school.

She shook her head, walking away from his door, how would she ever wake him up?


fourtunatly for Nico, Thalia didnt have to find some way to break into his room.

He was awaken by a nightmare, bolting up in a cold sweat.

He panted to catch his breath, although this happened more offten than not, you just dont get usto the flush of terror.

The only fortunate thing about the nightmares, was the fact that Nico never remembered them.

He couldnt remember what had happened the night before, but judgung by the stench, he had a pretty good idea. He sighed, quickly darting out of his room and into the bathroom, praying to god knows who that no one would go into his room.

He quickly stripped his cloths, scowling down at the scars that covered him, it wasnt as if they bothered him neciserily, no, when he saw them he knew he deserved each and every one of them. But they where his vulnerable points, if anyone ever saw them, he would be sent to a real mental hospital.

He took a quick shower, making sure to scrub the stench off, and tosed his clothes in the hamper. No one would question the smell if they had been sitting in there. Megan's cloths often smell up the whole load.

He wrapped a towel around his pale wett body, cursing because he forgot to bring in a new change of clothes.

Nico darted out of the bathroom and into his room, making sure to grab the frebreez.

As soon as he walked in the door, the smell of alcohol filled his nostrils, and he practically bathed his room in the freshener to cover it.

He threw on a Crown the Empire t shirt, with some black skinny jeans. Nico slipped on his convers, not bothering to brush his wet mess of hair, and slid on his aviators jacket just as Thalia knocked on the door again.

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