Illicit Affairs

676 18 48

Song: Bad Blood- Taytay

Lover (TW- This chapter contains sensitive stuff)

After putting both mine and rep's bowls in the dishwasher I decided to go and brush my hair and teeth quickly to get ready for bed.

I walked down the hallway towards the stairs when suddenly a hand reached out of the laundry room. It slapped over my mouth before another grabbed my arm and dragged me into the room. I struggled to get out of the unknown person's grip until I looked up to see Karma holding me up against the wall roughly.

'Karma?' I shouted slightly; my voice muffled by her hand.

'Hey beautiful' she smirked, taking her hand off my mouth.

'What- what are you doing?'

'Did your precious reppy ever tell you anything about me?'

'Well, no, but'-

'Not very girlfriend material, is she?'

'She's perfect. But anyway, what are you doing? Why are we in here?'

'I'm going to need you to stop talking'.

'I don't know if you noticed, but this is a laundry, in my house, so please get your hands off me'.

'I said, shut up' I fell silent when I noticed a gleam of silver behind her back.

'That's better'. Karma said when she noticed my eyes flick to the knife.

'So, I need your help with something! I need your help ruining reputation once and for all, inside and out. I want her to pay for everything she took from me'

I shook my head; my heart was pounding in my chest at this point, but I didn't show it on my face. Karma ran the tip of her knife slowly down my neck, making me squirm.

'I could draw blood, right here, right now. If I wanted to'.

'No, please-'.

'Then you'll cooperate. First things first, you're my new girlfriend!'

'What?' I cried out.

'Yep! Now let's go to my room, we have lots to talk about'.

'And what if I refuse? I could shout right now, and everyone would come running from the kitchen and kick you out'. I knew saying this was probably a bad idea, but I was getting desperate. In a second, Karma's knife was at my neck.

'And what about reputation?'. She continued 'I know things about her she wouldn't dream of telling you, and I know ways to hurt her more than anyone else ever could. Do you want that to happen to her? I can't be kept away for long. And if you do that, I will deny everything and hurt you and everyone you love. I'm very convincing when I want to be'.

The thought of anything bad happening to rep made me feel sick.

I swallowed and tried to hold my shaking hands still at my sides as Karma lowered the knife into her boot.

'Great, it's settled then. Let's go hang out babe' Karma said before taking my arm and leading me toward her bedroom. As we walked through the kitchen, folklore said 'Oh there you are Lover! reputation is looking for you'.

'Sorry folklore, I can't talk right now' I answered hastily. My mind wandered to rep, and how insecure and anxious she had felt lately when it came to love and socialising. I was all she had, and now I was leaving her. Fuck, this was messed up. Especially since Karma knew Rep was at her worst and had picked the perfect time to pick her apart bit by bit.

AN: I'm sorry ok, but this story has to have a plot.

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