Diary Of A Sex Addict

492 21 160

Song: Delicate
It was 9 in the morning and Fearless was about to play a song she learnt on guitar when Rep knocked on the open door.

"Hi Rep" I said, slightly confused.

"Hey Debs. Just thought I'd come say hi, ask how you're doing" she shrugged.

"Oh... I'm good" I replied.

"Sick. We actually relate to each other now, so technically we're besties... don't look at me like that! You act as though I'm incapable of kindness or something. Really Debut I thought we were friends" Reputation held a hand to heart jokingly.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "You didn't want to come here, did you".

"Damn was it really that obvious?"

"Lover told you to, didn't she".

"She might've had the slightest input, but it was my idea".

"Alright. Thanks Rep".

"It's no sweat tiny dude. Oh, hi Fearless, I forgot that you existed" Reputation chuckled and grinned at me like a hyena, not a real smile, but one of those 'I'm better than everyone else' smiles. "Anyway, I'm going to dip. Umm, have a good day kids. See you when I do".

Then she left, leaving me and Fearless to look at each other with confusion and giggle.

I sat up and stretched, quickly realising it was nearly midday. I had been up for hours but 1989 had fallen asleep on my chest and slept there all night, therefore I couldn't move.

"Mid where do frogs go in winter?" 1989 mumbled tiredly into the small puddle of drool that was now dripping down my torso.

"No idea babe. Are you even awake?" I replied, smiling.

"Yeah" she blinked and shifted so her head was rested on my cleavage.

"Well good morning then. How'd you sleep sunshine".

"Pretty good. You make an amazing mattress".

"I'm glad, considering this car does not. I think my entire back is bruised".

"Sorry Mid, you should've pushed me off".

"I would never! What kind of gentlewoman would I be if I did that? Not a gentlewoman is the answer".

"Mkay" 1989 yawned and slowly sat up. "Ugh, my head. How much did we drink last night?"

"Everything in the esky".

"That explains it".

I kissed her forehead and wiped the drool off my chest with a towel. "Hey Nine, look".

I pointed toward the ocean to where a pod of dolphins were skimming along the surface of the water occasionally surfacing, their dorsal fins creating small amounts of sea spray to splash into the air.

"They're so graceful" 1989 marvelled. "Imagine if you could turn into a dolphin. It would be incredible, they're such beautiful creatures".

"They're also the ocean's sex addicts" I shrugged.

"You'd fit right in then!"

My jaw dropped and I looked at 1989, who was giggling. "Nine!"

"I'm kidding".

"The cheek!"

1989 looked at me with bright, sparkling eyes and laughter erupting from her. I looked back into her eyes and smiled. I had never felt so whole with a person. This feeling I was experiencing, it was true love. True, unbreakable love that made my heart swell and my cheeks rosy. I stared at the girl in front of me, feeling light as a balloon, as though I could have levitated upward for miles.

I lifted a hand and cupped 1989's face, slowly moving in to kiss her. She stopped giggling and stared right back into my lovestruck eyes. Our lips connected and we shared the most heartfelt, gentle moment. It was the most incredible kiss we had ever shared. There was not one sound apart from the ocean below interrupting us, and no feeling other than our soft lips touching. Eventually I pulled away, my cheeks warm as though it were our first kiss ever. This love made me feel the most unimaginable warmth and security, taking me back to when we were younger and unsure about everything.

"Mid are you okay? You're tearing up" 1989 asked gently.

I nodded and wiped my eyes. "I'm better than ever".

She smiled. "Me too".


I flung the front door open and stepped inside the house.

"Guess who's back!" I announced.

The only living creature who witnessed my entrance was Lover's cat, who trotted by completely unbothered.

"Wow. I feel forgotten about" I mused, shaking my head with fake disappointment.

"Don't be silly" 1989 chuckled. "Go say hi if you want, while I start to unpack".

"I'm not leaving you to unpack anything! If anything, you go sit down and I'll do it".

"Well, that is absolutely not happening so we both can do it".

"Good plan".

After a few minutes of racing around the house and unpacking I flopped down onto the couch, dragging 1989 with me. She landed on top of me with an "oof" and our faces ended up close enough for our noses to touch.

I couldn't help but smile. "Hi Nine".

"Hi Mid. Fancy seeing you here".

"Indeed. Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"

"Yes. You have".

"Permission to tell you again?"

"Permission denied, you're the pretty one Mid".

"How can you say that when you're a human Aphrodite? You look like a goddess, all the time".

"Babe, my hair never hairs. I'm sure Aphrodite's does".

Midnights snorted. "I'll be sure to ask her next time we chat".

"I'm telling you Ev, I've looked down here multiple times and not found the my guitar!" I grumbled, following Evermore to the basement.

"Well sometimes you just need a pair of fresh eyes" she insisted, opening the basement door.

We walked inside and were greeted with the sight of Beautiful Eyes and Speak Now, up against the wall and making out. I glared at Beautiful Eyes, a strong feeling I couldn't recognise surging through my veins.

"What the hell Speak Now!" Evermore yelled, causing the two to push each other off and attempt to regain composure.

Speak Now froze. "I can explain! B is a friend from school I had a crush on for ages and-"

"You're lying through your teeth Speak Now, we're not stupid" I snapped.

The girl looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"Get out. That's ridiculous, come on Speak Now" I demanded, holding the door open.

Evermore seemed surprised at how I was acting and put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? I've never seen you so riled up".

I took a deep breath and closed the door as we walked out, leaving Beautiful Eyes to slump onto an old couch, rolling her eyes.

"I'm fine. It was just momentary panic" I said, getting a grip on myself.

"Alright... still want your guitar?" Evermore offered.

"Nope. I need to go meditate for a bit".

AN: Happy pride month!

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