
617 13 36

Song: Call It What You Want 

Lover- 2 hours later

I pulled my small heels off of my aching feet with a groan.

'Why did I wear these shoes?' I complained to Rep who was sitting on my bed, her hair wet from a shower.

'Why would I know, silly? Give me your feet'.

I scooted over to Rep and plopped my legs on her lap before laying back onto my bed, fatigue numbing my body. Rep picked up one of my feet and rubbed it expertly.

'How come you never told me about this hidden talent of yours?' I mumbled; my eyes closed happily.

'What? Rubbing feet?' She snorted.

'Yeah, those fingers are good at so many things'.

'Really? I didn't realise how talented they were'.

'Yep, they're brilliant at, say... piano?'

'You're such a tease'.

'Just for you'.

'I love you so much' Rep pulled me into her arms as she leaned on my headboard. She kissed me softly on the nose, making me smile widely.

'I love you too'.

It didn't take long for me to drift off into my girlfriend's warm embrace, her quickly following suit.

The next day


I bit into a piece of perfectly cooked toast, watching Lover float around the kitchen happily.

'Ah! It's so close to Christmas, are you excited Rep?'

'I am if you are! That reminds me actually, I need to go shopping'.

A voice behind me called out, replying to my words.

'Sick, so do I'.

I turned around and saw Debut walking into the kitchen.

'Ugh, you'.

'Ugh you' Debut mocked in a stupid voice.

'Shut up, idiot'.

'Rep, let her go, she's 16' Lover chuckled before continuing 'Actually, this is a good bonding opportunity for you both! Rep take Debut to the shops, and you can do some shopping together'.

'What!' I grumbled.

'I don't want to have to walk around with her'.

'Too bad. Rep you're going, and Debut I'll get you something awesome for Christmas if you both get home together, alive'.

'Why don't I get anything special' I argued pathetically.

'Because I've already planned your gift, you'll love it'.

'I trust you, so I guess Debut we're going shopping. I'm leaving in 30'.

Debut groaned and went back upstairs to get ready.

'Thanks, Rep, this is a good chance for you two, maybe you have something alike?'

'I seriously doubt that, but I love you'.

'Ditto. Now go get ready!' 

AN:  This is so short I'm sorry 😂 The title of this chapter is just proof of me being lazy today.  Also, I've given up on funny names for Taylor. Lol.

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