Runaway Snake

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An invitation for a party from Taylor arrived in the mail today, it was her 1st anniversary with her husband. I had been invited as well as everyone in the household, which seemed wild until I remembered Taylor's massive ass house. I walked back inside from the front yard, my toothbrush hanging from my mouth as I looked through all the letters. It was mostly taxes and random stuff about bank accounts and similar, as well as the invitation.

I opened my phone, feeling too lazy to go around and tell everyone about the event.

*Lover* renamed the group chat: Cutie Patooties

Me: Invitation to my friend Taylor's party in a couple days, save the date

1989: Sure!

Psycho punch girl: Lover what's going on with the gc name?

Hot girlfriend: It was heavily influenced by my beautiful girlfriend!

Me: I'm honoured. Not sure I'd use those words to describe myself tho

Feetless: give uppppp Rep.

Depressed scarf girl: You've been exposed.

Witchy weirdo: no body, no crime?

Hot girlfriend: No! That's not what we're talking about

You screenshotted the chat!

Psycho punch girl: What was that for?

Me: it was an accident chill, you try brushing your teeth and texting

Feetless: Send the picture

Me: Why?

Yeehaw cowgirl: That's the rules

Me: Since when? I want confirmation. @folklore

Cardigan fanatic: Why did you @ me?

Me: Cos you know everything

Cardigan fanatic: I have no clue, just go with it.

Me: fine

Me: <sent an image>

Depressed scarf girl: wth are these names rep?

Hot girlfriend: I'm flattered 🤭

Feetless: Istg- I HAVE FEET! TWO!

Me: 4 if you count those big ass ears!

Hot girlfriend: Rep, apologise

Me: sorry fearless

Cardigan fanatic: *Fearless

Me: and I'm out! Don't forget the party


I chuckled at my idiocy and put my phone in my pocket. After making my way to the bathroom and spitting out toothpaste I wandered to Lover's room, she was searching through her closet as if she was about to go somewhere.

'Hey babe, what's up?' I asked, plopping myself on her bed.

'I'm trying to find something to wear to the party' she mumbled.

'Want some help?'


'You've got so many clothes love, this won't take long'

'There aren't THAT many clothes in here'

'You're right. Majority are in my room'.

'How about this?' I held out a pink top and black denim shorts. 'Kinda represents both our styles, in a way'.

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