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Song: Midnight Rain

Lover (TW- smut)

'Wake up Rep! It's Christmas eve' I cried happily, playfully hitting my girlfriend with a pillow.

'Loverrrr, it's not Christmas yet' she mumbled, turning her face into her pillow.

'I know, but it's so close! Omg, we should do some baking! Do you wanna make a gingerbread house? Or go ice skating? I'm so excited!'

'I have to quickly go out and grab something soon, but I promise we can do whatever together afterwards'.

I mock gasped.

'You're ditching me on Christmas Eve? Outrageous!'

'I'm sorry love' Rep gave me a quick kiss. 'I promise you're going to love what I'm doing'.

'Ok, I guess I'll let you go, I have to do something too so that works out'.

'Perfect, I love you'.

'Love you too, do you want to have breakfast?'

'Yep! Let's go downstairs'.

I quickly ran a brush through my bed hair and pulled on a pair of comfy pants and loose t shirt.

Rep did the same and we walked downstairs to the kitchen where I could hear faint chatter.

'Ah there's our star-crossed lovers from district 12! Coffee you two?' Folklore announced, standing at the coffee machine.

'Yes, please Folkie' I smiled at her. I began to chatter with the others, Rep sitting next to me. I was fully aware she was gazing at me, so I moved my hand to hers and caressed her palm with my thumb as I talked to Red.

A couple hours later me and Rep got ready to go out and prepare our gifts. I had to make a quick stop somewhere, so I pulled on a simple outfit and kissed my girlfriend goodbye.

After I had got my gift for her, I brought it home and took it to 1989, who had said she would hide it for me.

Once I knew I had everyone's present ready and under the tree, or 1988's room, I sat down at the counter with a cookie that I had made yesterday in my hand. Rep got home shortly after, holding a box that she quickly ran upstairs before coming back down to me. 

'Hey love, whatcha up to?'

'Not much, just eating this cookie'.

'That I can see, I haven't tried one yet actually, which I need to because everything you make is magnifique!'

'Really? Thanks!'

'Anytime, do you wanna go upstairs and, you know hang out?'

'Horny today, are we?'

'No. Maybe'

'Well, if you are we're going to have to do something about that aren't we'.

'Yes. Please'.

I chuckled. 'Needy girl'.

I shoved the last of my cookie in my mouth before following Rep to her room. I closed the door and locked it before pushing Rep onto her bed and sitting in her lap. I connected our lips and ran my fingers through her wavy hair passionately, her long arms pulling me into her. I decided it would be funny to tease her a bit, so I dragged her hands down by her sides and made her lean forward into me. After we made out for a while, I started to throb a bit myself.

I pulled away from Rep and pushed her onto her back before dragging off her shorts and extremely wet underwear.

I giggled a bit and said, 'this wet already Rep?'

'Lover, please'.

'You're going to have convince me' I said in a sing-song voice, delicately tracing her inner thigh. Rep let out a soft moan.

'I'm above begging'.

'Shame' I said, starting to stand up and brush myself off in front of her mirror.

'No, no fine. Please, Lover, I need you in me right now. Please. I'm begging you'. 

'Good girl'. I sat down on her legs before shoving two fingers into her without warning. Rep moaned louder this time as I curled my fingers and began to slowly pump them in and out. Her hands reached down towards me desperately, but I slapped them away, tsking at her.

'Ah no touching'. 

'But Lover'-

I pulled my fingers out of her, making her whine.

'Don't talk back to me'.


I lined my fingers up with her hole, three this time. I pushed them in started to move them, Rep's hips adjusting to my rhythm and moving in time. It didn't take long before I felt her walls tighten.

'Lover I'm gonna'-

'No you're not. Hold it'.


I left a sharp slap on her thigh with my free hand.

'What did I say about talking back. I think it's time I got a bit of pleasure huh? We can finish you off after'. I removed my fingers, which got another whine from rep. After wiping them daintily on her thigh I got off of her.

'Get on your knees pretty girl' I commanded, standing up and pulling off my own pants and underwear. Rep stood up and kneeled on the floor, clearly uncomfortable. I sat down on the edge of her bed and arched my back as Rep started to lick my folds. My hands shot to her hair, and I pulled her into me more. I let out a moan as she sucked on my thighs, undeniably leaving hickeys and small bite marks. I reached my high quickly and released, Rep quickly lapping me up.

'Oh, that was so good Rep, let's give you some release too huh?' 

'Yes please' Rep lay back on her bed and I placed my head between my thighs. It only took a few soft sucks for Rep to finish on my tongue and I immediately lapped up her sweetness. I pulled myself up next to my sweaty girlfriend and gently brushed her damp bangs off her forehead.

'You're such a good girl for me' I praised, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck.

Rep smiled in reply and kissed me back happily.

'We should probably go downstairs, it's like dinner time' I mumbled, looking at my phone.

'Shower first?' Rep asked.

'That is probably a good idea'.

I sat up and gently pulled Rep up after me, undressing her completely before myself.

'Come here baby girl' I murmured as I scooped her up and carried her to her bathroom. I let her rest in my arms as I started the shower before walking in and placing her down too.

'You get so tuckered out after one round, don't you?'

'I have zero stamina when it comes to those fingers of yours'.

I giggled and started to wash us. Suddenly the water turned ice cold and I yelped.

'Rep! What did you do it's freezing!' 

Rep laughed before turning the water back to normal.

I scowled.

'You ruined such a wholesome moment'.

'Sorry love, shall we get out?'

'Fine, come on. But you're blow drying my hair'.
AN: I uploaded this on my phone so I have no clue how well it's going to work, but it should be fine! This wasn't very dom Lover but i tried to do some top Lover for y'all. Can you tell how creative my chapter names are getting? 😂

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