Mood Swings

653 20 185

Song: Labyrinth


'Right. We've got your meds, is there anything else we need?' I said to Midnights. We were standing in the hospital pharmacy while Midnights was standing behind me with her head on my shoulder and arms around my waist. She shook her head.

'I'm basically fine now, I don't even know why I need those disgusting little things'.

'The doctor said you have to be on them for three more days, then you can stop'.

Midnights groaned and rolled her eyes.

'Wouldn't you rather be healthy?' I said, starting to get frustrated.

'No. I don't want any more of those dirt-tasting m-effs in me anymore'.

'I don't care. You're having them for three more days then I'll leave you alone'.

'No don't leave me alone. I love you'.

She placed a kiss on my neck, and I blushed slightly.

'I love you too, which is why I'm making you have these'.

'Ugh. Let's go find an empty room'.

'Midnights! We're in a hospital!'

'Please. Just quickly, if you let me, I'll have all my pill things without fighting you'.

It was tempting but I didn't want to give in.

'No, Midnights. Maybe when we get home'.

'Then I'm never putting any more of those meds in my body ever again'.

'I'll just get Evermore to hold you down and force feed you if I have to'.

'I'd like to see you try'.

'You're being such a child. Let me help you'.


'Fine! Force feeding it is'.

Midnights groaned and tried to place her hand on my inner thigh, but I swatted it away.

'When we get home if you're lucky'.

'But I need you now'.

I blushed, her words turning me on immediately.

'Stop it'.

She leaned down and moaned softly in my ear.

'1989 I need you; I need your touch; I want your fingers up my'-

I whirled around and glared up into her eyes.

'Midnights this is a hospital! Do I need to remind you again? It's a HOSPITAL. Saying filthy things into my ear isn't going to make me fold. Do you want to sleep on your own tonight?'

She rolled her eyes and pressed herself into me further.

'No, I don't. I'm too horny for that'. She retaliated.

'I don't care! You can sleep in your room and feel sorry for yourself. You're literally horny every day'.

I started to walk away from her and out of the small pharmacy when I saw Debut and Fearless also walk out with a small bag.

'Hey girls! What did you buy?' I asked curiously.

'Err- just, you know, stuff?' Fearless said slowly.

Midnights snatched the bag and pulled out a thin box.

'Mid don't snatch' I sighed; the girl was being unbearable today.

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