My Tears Ricochet

661 22 278

Song: Say Don't Go


The pain I was in was unbearable but forced myself to ignore it so Lover wouldn't freak out too much. Which is stupid, because she was freaking out, and for good reason. I used most of my energy by resting my arms on Lover's back and my breathing slowed down to short, quiet gasps. All the talking I had done had drained me, but I had to tell her. I didn't care if it killed me.


The sound of heavy footsteps made me lift my head out of Rep's grasp and look up. About 6 paramedics were racing towards us with all sorts of medical equipment and a stretcher. One of them came up to me and bobbed down beside me, she was a young lady with kind eyes.

'Hello, I'm Doctor Benson, were you the one who called?'

I nodded and wiped water off my eyes gently with my fingertips.

'Yeah, I'm Lover, this is my girlfriend, Reputation' I replied numbly, not taking my hand away or my eyes off my girlfriend. Within minutes we all rushed out of the park and were en route to the hospital.

I sat on a cold, hard seat in the hospital waiting room, desperate for an update on Rep. It had been 30 minutes since the ambulance got to the hospital and she was rushed to the ER immediately. I stared at the clock nervously, watching the seconds go by. I chewed my nails as I did, biting them right down to my skin when I started picking at them until they bled. It took me almost that whole time to realise no one at home knew what had happened so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the one person I knew would be perfect right now. The line rang for a moment before Folklore's happy voice picked up.

'Hey Lover! How's your date going?'

Her words triggered me to start crying again and once a few tears slipped out I couldn't stop them.

'It's- its Rep. We're at the hospital. Can you come?'

'Oh my epiphany, of course. I'm leaving right now; I'll be there in 5'.

'Thanks, Lorie' I hung up the phone and buried my face in my hands. A nurse offered me some water and a biscuit, which was random, but the thought of eating made me want to throw up. I continued to pick at my fingers until Folklore arrived, rushing through the automatic doors and finding me immediately.

'Lover! Oh, Lover. Come here' she soothed, pulling me into her arms. I wept and wept for God knows how long into Folklore's arms, she didn't move once.

'Hey, it's going to be alright. She'll be fine, I can feel it. Also, I brought you some stuff' Folklore pulled her bag off her back and started to rummage through it. 'Cardigan, cos they're comfy and these places are not. Plus, I brought one of Rep's jumpers as well'. She passed me Rep's black hoodie that I always stole from her. I brought it up to my nose and inhaled her unique, comforting scent which slowed my racing thoughts almost immediately. I pulled it over my head, immediately feeling as though Rep herself had wrapped me in a tight reassuring hug.

'I also brought tissues, so you don't have to use the crappy ones here and some snacks!' Folklore smiled and passed me a tissue.

'Oh, sweetie what happened to your fingers? Let me get you some band-aids' Folklore asked before standing up and asking the front desk ladies. She returned and gently covered my bleeding fingertips.

'How's everyone at home?' I asked, trying to distract myself.

'Everyone's good but really worried, oh and'- Folklore blushed. 'I met someone at the party last night'.

'Oh my god really? I'm so happy for you Lorie! What's he like?'

'Err, actually, I think I'm lesbian'.

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