Long Story Short

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Song: Long Story Short


The doctor flicked through the pages on her clipboard before turning to me and Rep.

'It looks like your friends are here, so I'll leave you to it! Just give me a yell if you need anything'.

'Thanks so much' I said, Rep repeating my words.

She nodded and left, everyone from home pouring in afterward.

'Hey Rep! How are you?' 1989 asked.

'Well, I have a stab wound now which is pretty cool, plus, I reckon it's going to scar so I'll have an awesome scar to show I survived'. Rep ran her thumb down the underside of my forearm as she said this, causing a tear in my eye.

'Woah, sick bandage! I bet the cut is really big, should I poke it, I'm going to poke it'. Debut giggled to Fearless.

'-and then, the girl led me right into the forest, right? Then she pulled out a KNIFE and started to attack me with- ow! DEBUT' Rep yelled, causing the girls to laugh.

'Debut leave her alone' I asked gently. She and Fearless nodded and ran out of the room, most likely to raid the vending machines. I rolled my eyes and turned back to everyone.

'Ay, what up... revolution' Midnights giggled. She looked better, less pale and sickly looking, she was leaning on 1989 a bit though.

'I'll make your head do a revolution' Rep growled.

'Not like that you won't' Midnights gestured to Rep's stomach.

'I could make it work'.

I placed a hand on her shoulder. 'No, you couldn't'.

Midnights smirked and Rep scowled in reply.

'Yeah Rep, listen to your girlfriend'.

'Midnights!' 1989 scolded her.

'Well, you listen to yours'.

As the two bickered 1989 and I exchanged looks then laughed.

'You two are ridiculous' 1989 giggled. 'Just make up and do your handshake or something'.

'Brooo, we haven't done that in ages!' Midnights said before walking up to Rep.

'It's like this isn't it?' Rep asked doing a series of moves with her hand and Midnights'.

'No, you imbecile. It's like this!'

'No, it's not! And I'm not even that much younger than you!'

1989 sighed. 'Come on Mid, let's get your pills'.

'This isn't over Reputation; you know I'm right!' She shouted, following 1989 out of the room. Rep rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath.

'You hungry Lover?' Evermore asked 'I brought some stuff'.

'Oh, no, it's fine, thanks though Ev. I had a big lunch' I replied, smiling.

'No, you didn't love, you ate a scone and half a small charcuterie board. Eat something' Rep butted in.

'But you can't, you must be starving too' I retaliated.

'Love, I don't even have a choice, just have something to eat. Don't worry about me'.

'Are you sure?'

'Yes! Baby, seriously. Evermore chuck us a sandwich' Rep motioned to Evermore and she passed her a sandwich. 'Come here love' she patted the bed beside me, and I sat down.

'What are you doing?' I asked.

'Feeding you because you're being difficult. Open your mouth'.

'I can feed myself. I just don't want to eat in front of you when you can't'.

'How about this then' Rep put a bit of sandwich in her mouth. 'Bite it' she said, her voice muffled. I widened my eyes but obeyed, our lips touching when I bit the bread. Rep used her tongue to push the rest into my mouth and then waited for me to swallow before connecting our lips again.

'Err, we're going to go, have fun' Red said awkwardly, pulling Evermore and Folklore out of the room. Rep smirked into my lips and ran her hand through my hair passionately.

'Wait, Rep, I don't think we should'-

'Shh, we'll be fine if we just make out'.

'But will you be able to stop?'

'Only one way to find out. Now be quiet and let me kiss you'.

Rep put her hand behind my head and gently pulled my lips into hers. She ran her tongue across my bottom and I opened my mouth subconsciously. Her tongue immediately battled with mine for dominance, she won quite easily. Rep explored my mouth while I nibbled at her lips, which eventually turned into bites and sucks. I closed my eyes and let out a small groan. Even while making out I couldn't block the thought of losing Rep. If she died, she wouldn't be here with me and yet another tear slipped down my cheek. Rep noticed straight away and pulled back.

'You alright?' She brushed the tear away with her thumb. I shook my head slowly.

'I can't believe you almost died. What would I have done without you'.

'Baby, you don't need to think about that. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere'.

'B-but when you were there, you said if  you died, I would have to move on. I lied Rep, I could never move on from you. I could never live a normal life after that'.

Rep sighed and held my hands. 'I wanted you to promise me because I know if anything happened to you, my life would be over. You're the only one who could get through to me. Can we promise each other not to leave? In any way at all'.

'Of course, I promise'. I said, never breaking contact with her ocean blue eyes.

'Good. I do too'. 

AN: This is a shorter chapter than usual, I'm just planning for further events at the moment. It was kinda funny cos my whole year level at school was talking about the Superbowl and no one even knows how it works or how the NFL works 😭 Our teachers let us put it on in lessons and it was hilarious watching a bunch of Aussie idiots trying to work out the rules and everything 😂 I'm so glad the chiefs won it was such an intense game lol. Also, Taylor absolutely ate that outfit up.

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