Chapter 1 - Indescribable

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Once there was a time when the multiversal befell a great calamity, a disaster so great it compelled all the destroyers and protectors of the first multiverse to collectively use their power to split their world into two, separating those tainted and those pure to keep all safe.

But times have changed, and the multiverses that have been split now purified as the demon, once known as 'Beelzebub' lost their influence, while gone away from this world, was still remembered for his devastating legacy that would have no end.

However, after the First Calamity, came the Second Calamity, a being, the concept of negativity himself, Nightmare came to be after months of planning and deception, executed his plan which covered the entire First Multiverse in darkness and negativity, causing intense fear all around the cosmos.

Although, as cunning as they were, they too were defeated and fell along with their brother, the embodiment, the concept of positivity, Dream. They had willingly self-destructed in an explosion of light, and the two brothers' remaining particles of magic floated along the vast void together, for how long it would take for them to possibly return...




The fresh yet false summer sky shined down its heavenly glory upon that small yet bustling Plaza, the only restaurant was full, and others were planting, taking a walk, or doing their simple innocent hobbies as the day, went on the air got warmer, fitting and desirable as it was scorching hot.

But near the outskirts of The Plaza, further into the Omega Timeline was a fairly large tree, which initially was small but over the months it had grown surprisingly bigger, for how little its existence meant in the grand scheme of things, many in the Omega Timeline cherished it, some growing flowers next to it, pasting decorations and papers on the tree itself, though out of the near hundreds of people in the community, there were a small group of skeletons and 'humans' that revered it the most...

Under the tree slept a skeleton in a comfy grey hoodie with a coat, and while their hood was on as they napped, a sudden gust of wind amidst the hot weather blew it away, revealing the skeleton's skull, and This, noticeably woke them up as they slowly woke their eyes, yawning as they stood up, stretching their arms and cracking their knuckles due to the strange fatigue of sleeping, regardless they were awake at least.

"...How long have I napped for, it's almost noon..." Dust said, looking deeply into the sky before putting back on his hoodie, his eyes peered over to The Plaza, not too far away, and so he took the first step out of the tree's comforting shade as he began to march to The Plaza, while Dust could teleport, he found it more enjoyable to walk.

"Months... It's been months since that demon and Nightmare's attacks on the multiverse..." Dust put his hands in his pockets as with each step the grass crunched underneath.

"Months since Dream sacrificed himself... But it was a noble one, everyone's a lot happier now," Dust smirked as he neared The Plaza, only many a step left.

"I'm not sure if what Zeph was true... Would Dream really come back? If so, Nightmare will too..."

"I'll prepare for anything at this point."


With swift ferocity, Horror attempted to punch Killer in the strike, but they were able to parry it, raising their fist high and thus Horror's too as Killer got on the ground, sending a sweep kick and knocking Horror of his legs, but immediately Horror caught himself, planting both of his hands into the grass as he attempted to send a handspring roundhouse kick at Killer's face, but like a boxer they were able to take a step back, narrowly dodging the attack as they flew back further to get more space.

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