Chapter 12 - Blessing

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"Ah, so yet another of our kind has been born..."

"And one of a skeleton too..."

"How exceedingly rare that is nowadays..."

"After the sub-species were wiped out... I had thought no more skeleton monsters could come."

"But once more fate has proved us wrong."

"May your life be one of bliss and love, young skeleton."

"And under the protection and guidance of the ROYAL SCIENTIST..."

"Carry the hopes and dreams of our kind with whatever legacy you will create and leave behind..."



"Hey... Wake up."

"Y'know we don't get all day, right?"

"Me and bird-mask over here are being put on a leash waitin' for you."



"...Hm?" Mono muttered as he awoke lazily from his metal desk, before him he noticed the Plague Doctor and M87 stand before him, as straight as a tree and feet flat on the floor as the two only stared Mono down in a mix of both silent eagerness and disappointment.

Before anything else, even half-tuning out M87 and The Plague Doctor that stood stoically before him, Mono took in his newer surroundings once more, it was an all too familiar green-esque lab, but in the outskirts of it, the laboratory was set in a sedentary dimension, sprawling asteroid belts and strings of orange unraveled around and about, in a dimension watched over by one gargantuan blackhole where everything was completely and utterly wiped out, no life, no mortals, and no hope, it was simply this lab alone floating about what was practically void.

"Falling asleep on the job isn't ideal, I thought that's what we could all agree on, right?" M87 jokingly said, yet in a serious tone as the only thing that could dispel it was a small smirk reaching from his mouth as The Plague Doctor silently and eerily nodded in what could be described as agreement.

"Haha... I suppose you two are right, apologies my friends, the innate laziness catches up to all of us eventually," Mono said as he got up and stretched his arms a bit he felt rather fatigued despite such a relaxing nap, he had thought.

"Sure... So how are the devices going? They're the most important part of whatever scheme you were trying to convey, eh?" M87 asked as he slightly stretched out a hand in a gesture.

"It's in the other room at the moment but if you're wondering primarily about its progress, then it is almost done, I hope you don't mind my constant procrastination," Mono shrugged as he began to stride his way to the right corridor where the other room lied, as M87, his eyes narrowing down, and the Plague Doctor slowly watched him envelop into the darkness.

"It takes a lot of patience and hard work to catch up to... 'Cosmic beings' such as them, you know?" Mono whispered from the shadows as the other two turned their bodies to him and began to follow him into that odd darkness.

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