Chapter 13 - Above All Else

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"The voice in my head... It was so monochromatic,"

"I always wondered where it came from..."

"As far as I remember, it was always with me."

"I hated how it sounded."

"But its wisdom was immense."

"I can't live without it."

"It's distorted, terrible tongue."

"And serpent teeth."

"It's unbearably tempting."

"It always told me I should do more."

"And so I will."



"From now on, everything will be in your hands."

"Long after we are all gone."

"You will spend your days in this lab to finish what we will fail to do."

"There will be no more than that and no less."

"The eyes are on you."

"Do not disappoint."



"Shit! Where did they go, Core?!" Error asked, in a furiously concerned tone as he punched the non-existent floor of his Anti-Void, slightly shaking the vast surroundings, as all surrounding them, Ink, Horror, Killer, and Core struggled to keep balance.

"They disappeared with only a few magical traces, it led to somewhere but for an odd reason, I can't sense deeper into it, and numerous people from different AUs have begun to disappear... Yet another foreign thing... I'm so sorry, I don't know why I can't seem to do anything when it's important..." Core said somberly as they bowed down their head, upon seeing this, Error heaved out a sigh as he tried to calm down.

"...Alright... I- My bad, alright? So just drop me the location of this place, and we'll try to find it ourselves, I knew we shouldn't have left those two alone..." Error grunted as he crossed his arms, still disappointed.

"Risky bastards... Always trying to get their asses killed too... Save us..." Error muttered just as Core was about to refrain him from doing so, but they stopped in the middle of their sentence out of hesitance.

"I'll go with ya," Ink out of the blue suggested as he preparedly took out his brush, resting it on his shoulder, to which Error stayed silent without much protest.

"We're coming too," Horror spoke up, along with Killer who stood by his side but was immediately cut off by Ink.

"No, no, you two need to stay here..." Ink spoke, much to the two's surprise as though they were quick to revolt.

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