Chapter 15 - Your Worst Nightmare

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"Look where you are now, Mono."

"To die just as pitifully as we did."

"What you've done has come to gnaw on you, in a gloriously brutal end."

"You were never like the others."

"From the beginning and to your end."

"You stayed as the inferior."

"Your dreams of superiority have brought you only self-destruction."

"Your tale ends by the hand of a superior."


"I know."

"And it hurts, deeply."

"Whatever will be there next for me..."

"I hope there will be none at all."


"I'm sure what you are wondering above all else Is..."

"How, and why did I win the race to revival against your dear 'Dream'?" Nightmare mockingly spoke as he crossed his arms.

"Fear not, I can explain how-" Nightmare casually said, but immediately stepped to the side, avoiding Dust's Gaster Blaster beam sent at him without any delay, with it being followed by Zeph, charging in as his fist gleamed with angelic magic, and as he sent a straight jab towards Nightmare's way, a destructive beam of magic came next, to which Nightmare, with minimal effort separated himself into multiple pieces of black goo, all of them gliding and regrouping elsewhere back into his shape.

"It's rude to interrupt someone talking, but I will say I have done something similar, so that is quite fair of you," Nightmare said disgracefully, with a smug grin as Dust got in a stance by Zeph's side, though the two were admittedly intent on listening for any possible info they could scout out, they knew just how deceptive Nightmare could be, and this, could simply be one of his many distractions.

"Let's rewind to the very beginning, at the moment where my brother was foolish enough to attempt self-destruction just to 'kill' me... Indeed it was effective that was, but I had something else up my sleeve even at that moment..."

"Just before my brother barged into my castle for the final fight, I took just the slightest fraction of myself and sent it into a timeline of the original Undertale, after all, I needed most of me to continue fighting, and due to its amount no one could detect it as it roamed, I handpicked a world with a vessel that I saw to be the most challenging to work with, after all, no point in eating dessert if it's tasteless,"

"The Sans of that timeline... In their younger years, I let that part of me fuse and engrain itself into their head while they were at an astounding low, I'm sure you know who that is by now... The initial, but soon failed heir of the late Doctor Gaster... But it was not that version who you saw die."

"And then, when I and my brother 'perished' under that storm of positivity... I wasn't gone just yet, I was never truly dead in fact."

"...And, you know, the closer an embodiment is to a source of their concept, it's a small and relatively simile boost but there is indeed a difference... I well took advantage of it."

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