Chapter 8 - Nothing

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Somewhere in the third multiverse, far from where the trio was located, the exploration came close to an end.

Flying and gazing through the multiverse's unforgivable presence, Error, Ink, and Zeph rode on Error's Gaster Blaster as they passed through universes, millions of them, continuing to observe the sight they have been given, watching it closely but calmly as the breeze reminiscent like that of the high noon stroked past their bodies.

"You two, nothing out of the ordinary yet?" Error questioned as he was riding at the very front of the Gaster Blaster, piloting it carefully and swerving through any and all universal objects, wary to avoid any possible crash.

"Nah, everything seems just about right, in fact, everything just feels like the other two multiverses!" Ink responded casually with a hint of excitedness as he stood up, stretching out his arms as if trying to embrace the world before him Error only snickered for a short moment and smirked, for he thought Ink was still as foolishly childish as ever, though he could not help but turn his attention Zeph for a short moment, who was more quiet than usual as they stood on the opposite side where Ink was.

"Hey, Zeph, you alright? That meeting with your past self... Had to be one hell of a thing, huh?" Error said, speaking in the way he always did however noticeably being more proper in his tone, for he knew what it felt like to see the better and more blissful version of yourself... A past that would be long forgotten so long as they lived.

"That's not what I'm worried about, but thanks, Error," Zeph responded, heaving out a sigh which turned into a short-lived laugh coming from him as he turned around, in turn, caught Error's attention, for he thought Zeph was zoned out, thinking of past times, it seems he was dastardly wrong.

"Huh? Then what are ya worried about? Something you caught with your vision?" Error straightened his posture, now noticeably on guard as his eyes narrowed, his control on his Gaster Blaster became deeper as from his many experiences, he could tell there was already something wrong just from what and how Zeph told him, this had also grabbed Ink's attention, for the artist was quick to pull out their larger brush in a defensive position.

"It feels a little vague and... Even opaque if you could even call it that way but I swear I saw a universe dying somewhere off in front of us, Do you think you could go there and check?" Zeph said waringly and walked over to behind Error as he pointed in the forward direction, precisely leaning his finger on where he could see the ghastly presence.

"Hah, saw that coming from a mile away, alright, let's go!" Ink said with morbid curiosity as Error too could not help but grin, as unfortunate as it was for a universe to die undoubtedly so, and with such suddenness, finding out the cause, and possibly resolving it overshadowed such negativity.

With a spin of his brush, Ink slid over to the back of the Gaster Blaster then, pointing his brush forward he sent out a large burst of Ink, propelling the Gaster Blaster at the same time Error increased its speed, going far faster than before as now the wind caused their clothes to flutter along with it, glimmers of light appearing throughout their vision.

"...The only way this could have been caused is through a destroyer or a Worldline Collapse..." Zeph thought as he put his hands in his pockets before heaving out yet another breath.

"But the first should not happen yet so early, even with the time dilation, from what I've seen it only jumps to the very start of the universe's story, where everything will change from then on..."

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