Chapter 3 - Jubilation

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It was an undoubtedly void-like yet concise plane, with star-like structures scattered around and about like marbles, however in a seemingly endless wave as they all glimmered accordingly like a ripple of water amidst the cold moonlight.

However, within one of these many universes, came a distinctive yellow aura, irradiating the insides with a golden forcefield for an instant as this presence shocked itself far into and outside these universe's layers, invisible chains of teal latching onto almost every fiber of the interior and exterior, and soon, disappearing completely without a trace.

As far as these universes were, they were all interconnected by one thing within its many, infinite variations within, soon life began to grow, albeit in different shapes, landscapes, clouds, animals, and soon even individuals far beyond these before them, they would be culminated and draw their strength from many things, be it through SOULS, EYES, HEART, and LUNGS, they were all in common nonetheless.

But despite such an irrationally bliss beauty, amidst this initial 'ordeal' but of peace and solemness however, there would come something to spoil it as if some dark decay latching onto a smooth silver plate of metal, losing its quality and as such, itself.

And so a plant, first of many would sprout...


"Hold on just a minute, octopus... Are ya saying these two things basically reproduced?" Killer questioned with a rather dumbfounded look, his ask came not from a place of curiosity but of pure surprise.

"I have no problems with this theory, but why now, long after so many months have passed ever since the second multiverse came to be?" Dust asked further as he extended out his palm in a gesture.

"Ehh, as for that..." Ink said as he tapped his foot into the cold, empty, and non-existent floor.

"You know how when women get pregnant they have to wait for about 9 months-?" Ink said confidently, pointing out his finger but was abruptly cut off.

"Okay, I understand, knowing you I don't want to get to the further details..." Dust said with a look of slight cringe and disgust, along with his other two partners in the back.

"An interesting statement, so we're dealing with a third multiverse... And possibly more loose ends then?" Zeph said, letting out a small sigh, though not one of complete tiredness at all.

"Now that ya mention it, that's a possibility, so what then? Wait for the next damn calamity to roll over with this new realm? Or should we take action first, restrain it even, at least in one way," Error spoke in a passively aggressive tone, as he crossed his arms whilst his eyes fixated on Ink who still stood at the center of attention.

"...Error is right, whatever is created, cosmic or not, there's always something lurking behind it ready to backstab not only everything but somehow itself as well, but I disagree on the part of restricting them though..." Dust said, stepping forward to express his concerns.

"I say we let it wait."

Everyone turned their eyes to Zeph then, eyesockets widening slightly but it was neither of disapproval nor the opposite, it was merely the suddenness and boldness of the statement held.

"Attacking or 'neutralizing' it first before anything has happened because of our fears, I'm certain that'll only expel more darkness and consequently, more problems, I would know."

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