Chapter 14 - My Dearest

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The True Laboratory remained as vigilant and displeasing as it always was, with the foul stench of its experiments like rotting swine, and dreadfully painted and dreary structure, it was undoubtedly a place full of ghastly reckoning and strife, not just for the experiments, the people that unfortunately laid within it's walls, almost without any hope of escape or even the light they so sought from the surface they dearly missed, for it was still too early since their imprisonment into the shackled chains that was the Underground... But also, for...

"So many times have we gone by this..."

"It's beginning to get irritating..."

"Because of you."

"Do you have the slightest idea what atrocity you had almost committed?" Gaster invoked a serious yet furious tone as he stood straight before a younger, white-coated Sans, the watchful eye of the determination extractor watched on with its malevolent gaze as did the scientists who stood back in the other rooms in fear of the situation that could escalate.

"Father- Doctor... I swear it was just an accident! I didn't think the king would follow me to the entrance, and either way, he only saw so little of here-!" Sans reasoned desperately but was abruptly cut off, and brutally with a punch to the face by his superior, causing him to stumble back, and lose half of his HP as he fell to the floor on his back, with now a massive bruise on his jaw.

"So little is so much, it's only a matter of time before he waltzes in here, if he discovers what we have been doing then we will for sure be put to death row, or worse..." Gaster said, turning to face the determination extractor, as he glared at it, with a hint of pride before looking back at Sans who had just now gotten up, struggling as he held his bruise.

"That includes you too, but the king adores you like a son, you know that. Meaning you may be the only one left..." Gaster irritatedly mentioned as he took a step forward to Sans' way while the latter stumbled back in slight fear as the two exchanged glares, Sans' was one of fear while Gaster's was, something completely incomprehensible.

"And for such filth to lead the legacy of my and everyone else's work... Is simply unacceptable," Gaster declared as he leaned down closer to Sans who, while attempting to look strong, in the end, appeared miserable.

"I had thought that since you were my son, you would be my unrivaled successor... But in truth you lack any of the qualities needed to stand next to even the lowest of our scientists in this very laboratory," Gaster muttered as he leaned back before walking away, back to the view of the glorious Determination Extractor, he and everyone else's Magnum Opus.

"This contraption... It's worth more than even your life, it is what will set everyone here free from this cage," Gaster embraced the machine before him, outstretching his arms slightly, as, with a proud smile full of teeth, he took one deep breath to embrace it all, until his smile dropped into a frown.

"...So the very fact that you almost got it exposed for the... Vile, yet necessary requirements that must be fulfilled for such freedom... It truly disgusts me, I do not consider you my own if you are this incompetent." Gaster marched back over to Sans, who sneakily, at first, tried to leave the room he and his 'father' were both in, but was quickly stopped when he was violently gripped and tugged by the arm.

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