Chapter 2 - Unnatural

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"...A phenomenon?" Dust said as he stared at Core Frisk, with a face that looked deep in thought yet the fretful expression ultimately overridden all curiosity.

"So just what the hell does this mean..?" Killer questioned, somewhat agitated as he knew not if they were under threat or were still safe, as if on some unexplainable borderline between the two conclusions.

"I don't know much but probably something to do with the multiverses again or something..." Horror followed up, grunting as their eyesockets noticeably narrowed down.

"...I'll need to see for myself-" Dust said, but was abruptly cut off from his sentence as suddenly, he heard a restrained scream from behind him. This voice seemed all too familiar as Core's eyes lit up, looking at the person in question as they took an instinctive step forward, everyone else in the vicinity looked on with a concerned look on their face, while the trio with slight delay turned around swiftly, caught off-guard.

Zeph dropped to the ground on his knees, his hands clenching on his mask, snatching it off with such haste it looked as though a spider had fallen on his face. He heaved out grunts, which progressively relaxed however there was still something clearly wrong as he breathed profusely, visibly sweating which stretched down to his neck, and taking one last deep breath, Zeph put his mask back on just as the trio and Core Frisk swooped into his aid.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Dust questioned in a concerned tone, kneeling down as he put his hand on Zeph's shoulder while everyone else looked at him with just as much worry.

"Nothing..! Nothing... It's just..." Zeph exhaled as he stood up, rolling his shoulder to stretch it out.

"You see... My eyes have one weakness if I see or technically sense multiple unfamiliar existent and non-existent things all at once... Simply, my brain kind of shocks or electrocutes itself as a response of sorts to the sudden intake of information," Zeph said, exhaustingly chuckling to himself as he pointed at his head, though he was okay now at the very least, allowing everyone to relax at that moment...

"If that is the case then... Wait," Dust muttered, breaking that moment of comfortability with a puzzled look as he turned his chin up, gazing at Zeph.

"What did you sense?"

Within the void outskirts, beyond the multiverses...

Both Ink and Error watched in anticipation, floating amongst the void on their Gaster Blasters as they watched their white orb slowly grow bigger as the two multiverses drifted apart, the 'sparks' from them growing in frequency, and with each second passing the white orb had a new streak of color added onto its blank canvas, electricity spiraling out and strings of magic flowing around and about the infinite void, for the first time in forever, illuminating it greatly.

"...Shit, should we destroy it or something?" Error said as he and Ink covered their eyes due to how bright the orb had been getting, their Gaster Blasters increasingly being pushed away from it as well unconsciously, Error looked on with a hint of puzzlement as he was not sure whether or not he should, or even could given the immense amount of magic and energy that one orb was dishing out, it far surpassed theirs by a skyscraper.

"Aha... Error?" Ink muttered as he formed a nervous smile, his eyes peering to the side to look at Error whose head snapped to Ink both out of irritation and a hurried curiosity.

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