Chapter 9 - Lesser

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Within the Omega Timeline, under a so familiar tree which remained still in its glorious bask...

Both Zeph and Dust sat idly by the tree, resting their backs on its rough but soft-spoken texture as small leaves fluttered downward into the ground as the wind grew in its whisking depth, in sync with the chatter that erupted thoroughly from below the tree's horizon.

"So, as I said, I wanted to save him but he just wouldn't budge, even when I told him my reasons, the Worldline, the next thing I knew they jumped into the void, which was the condition for that universe's end..." Dust let out a hefty grunt as the back of his skull, cushioned with his hoodie, rested on the fine tree as his face raised upward to the shimmering light that crept from the space between the leaves.

"Hm, admittedly It was probably better to keep it hidden, but I guess, given who you are, you just couldn't help it, eh? You're not an expert at this like Core, something like this rarely happens thanks to Core doing most of the work, nevertheless no one here is to blame, you sure have heart without a doubt, and that's just as good... But in the end, some people don't just wanna be a dirty dime even with the rest who have accepted it, or rather when they find out that is what they are, they wanna be something more, most often selfishly, even if it does mean some painful, brutal salvaging..." Said Zeph in a sincere but casual tone as his hands were inside his jacket's pockets his masked face turned to Dust, with a slight nod as the latter turned down to look back at Zeph.

"Y'know, in the end, we're all just coins and dimes, aren't we? To be revered and eventually spent, our idea passes on over and over until we are reduced to dust, or perhaps broken early on... But the fact we even exist in the first place, means we are worthy of being here in this world. Dirty coins, beyond any semblance of repair, were still once a beautiful, shiny coin at some point."

"...This is an odd question but, what about the coins that were... Never truly finished in their making?" Dust questioned, sighing as he repositioned his body to face Zeph, whose posture in turn straightened as if he was ready to give an answer already, as their ocean-blue eyes were quick to light up like his smile beneath his mask.

"It's the same thing... The fact it was being made... Means that it was needed, worthwhile, and most of all, important," Zeph responded.

"One coin can change the entire economy, finished or unfinished, heh..."

"...I guess so, for the better or the worse but that's alright..." Dust muttered with a smirk as he then lifted himself up, standing tall on his two legs with Zeph following shortly after, before extending out a hand to which Dust glared at it for a moment before he let out a small laugh.

"Let's just do our part either way," Zeph said as Dust clasped his hand in a handshake as the two gazed at each other with relief.

"...Hey, since Core is finding and bringing new Outcodes again, do you maybe wanna greet them this time like before? Or is everything a bit too busy at the moment?" Dust jokingly said as their currently white eyes traveled elsewhere, precisely where The Plaza of the Omega Timeline was.

"I suppose, it's been a while too, two multiversally apocalyptic events have really died that down..." Zeph snickered in agreement as he scratched the back of his head before immediately turning his direction to The Plaza.

"Say, in a way like to how we first met, how about I challenge you to a race, Dust?" Zeph said before kneeling down in a readied position, Dust's eyelids widened in surprise at the suddenness, but his expression was quick to turn intrigued as he too got down on that read position, hands on the ground and their legs stretched out in the back.

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