2 (The polar twin)

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Boardroom doors swung open, revealing the poised secretary, Jake. Mr.Jung and his assistant were confused.

"Umm.. excuse me, who are you?" The assistant stood up and asked.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jung. I'm here on behalf of our CEO, who sends his regards. I'm his secretary, Jake" Jake said as he politely bowed.

Mr.Jung and his assistant exchanged smirks, underestimating the representative sent in place of the CEO.

"Quite an unexpected substitution. Where's the big shot CEO?" Mr. Jung said as a corner of his mouth quirked up.

"Unfortunately, he couldn't make it today. Let's proceed with the agenda." Jake said trying to get the finish this ASAP.

As the meeting unfolded, Mr.Jung and his assistant subtly disrespected the secretary.

"I expected a more seasoned representative. Your CEO must not take this partnership seriously." Mr.Jung said condescendingly, interrupting Jake who was talking about the ammount of investment.

"Rest assured, our commitment remains steadfast. Now, if we can focus on the matter at hand." Jake faked a smile, trying to maintain his composure.

However, the undermining continued until Jake reached a tipping point.

"You seem overwhelmed. Maybe your CEO should reconsider who represents him." The assistant said mockingly.

"I am here to represent, not to endure disrespect. Your attitude doesn't reflect professionalism." Jake said as he closed the file and looked straight at them.

Silence enveloped the room. Both of the said males were taken a back.

"Let's be real here. Your attitudes are as unpleasant as rotten eggs, and it's time someone said it out loud." Jake said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"This is unacceptable!" Mr. Jung's assistant said getting visibly offended.

"Unacceptable? That's rich coming from someone who probably thinks a thesaurus is a kind of dinosaur. Here's the deal – I'm not accepting your lack of decency." Jake said as he got up from his seat, collecting the papers.

"You can't walk away from this deal! This is important!" Mr.Jung said getting defensive.

"Watch me. I'd rather swim with sharks than sign anything with two individuals who seem to have mistaken rudeness and arrogance for professionalism. Good luck finding someone desperate enough to tolerate your antics. I'm out."" Jake said as he purposely stepped on the assistant's foot and dropping the coffee on some papers.

With a dramatic exit, the secretary left Mr. Jung and his assistant in stunned silence, their deal rejected and their egos bruised by the departure.


Yes, this was Sim Jake y'all. Unlike his brother, he was straight up confident. He didn't care about who was infront of him, he went by the saying "Give respect and you'll have mine too"

Sim Jake, has worries and anxiety too like normal people, but he likes to remain confident. He has a reserved nature and he doesn't soften up to people easily because his own parents didn't let him reply on them. He moved to Thailand to start working only when he was 16. But right now there's only one person who he has shown his soft and cutesy side and that is his CEO, Heeseung.

But here's the twist – his friendship with the CEO is something special. They're so chummy that people sometimes get the wrong idea, thinking there might be a little romance going on.

Despite the rumors, Sim Jake doesn't let it bother him. He knows their bond is just a strong friendship. His easygoing attitude and close relationship with the CEO brings a bit of warmth to the usually serious business scene. But little did he know, the CEO has taken interest in him.

Totally opposite to his twin, you could say.


Jake ate lmoa. I didn't use very rude insults or such since it was a buisness environment, ya know?

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