7 (Confession)

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Heeseung POV

I'm very excited to go to Korea to meet Jake so I immediately was getting ready to go there as soon as I got his call.

I am kinda tired but since the flight is almost 5 hours I'll rest there.

I think I'll reach there near 8 in Korea. So it'll not be too late.

The reason I'm excited is 'cause I think he is gonna confess or something. The way he told that he has something to tell me is giving me butterflies.

Also, he sent me the location of a café in Seoul.

I've read too many mangas and watched dramas so obviously I know what's going on.

Oh My God, I can't wait!!

Time Skip

I check the location one more time and set my hair as I'm standing infront of the café. I have even thought of how I'll reply and how I'll tell him that I like him too.

But I was surprised to see Jake sitting at a table with swollen and red eyes. It looks like he cried.

I hurriedly make my way over to him and ask "Oh My God Jake, are you alright!?"

But he just gave me a slight smile and told me to sit down.

"Jakey, tell me what's wrong?" I asked. Now I'm very worried, forget the confession.

"My brother.. he's m-missing" Jake started to cry again.

"Aw.. it'll be alright..the police will do something, okay? We're gonna find him soon." I tried to comfort him as I embraced him. He was crying on my chest.

"N-No the police isn't doing anything useful..I WANT HIM BACK" Jake was now starting to shake badly.

"Hey hey hey, We'll do something okay? Let's calm down first" I started comforting him. After about 10 minutes he stopped crying.

"Let's eat something first, then we'll discuss about your brother" I said making him stand up and I grabbed his blazer, which was on his chair.

He was okay after we ate corndogs and now he was dragging me somewhere private to talk about his brother.

"Okay so..the thing is that I found his diary, in which he has written about getting bullied, or should I say tortured, by FS²." Jake started.

"What is FS²?" I asked.

"I don't know myself he has mentioned that it's a group of five people but I don't know who are they." Jake explained.

"Anyways, I have a feeling that his bullying is the reason he is missing. I know the sounds ridiculous I believe that FS² if the reason behind my brother going missing. I read his whole diary and he has mentioned at the last page that he has fucked up real bad and he is scared that he won't be alive tomorrow. That sounds suspicious, right?" He asked me.

"But how did he fuck up? Like how?" I asked another question.

"He wrote that he accidentally knocked some books over at Yejun which made him fall pretty badly and then he ran away. He was scared that they will beat him up the next day because Yejun has massive anger issues." He explained further.

"That could may be the reason. But we don't know if that Yejun will tell us what happened even if he has something to do with" I said.

"But I also want to beat those bullies up, how dare they hurt my twin!?" He yelled.

"Calm down Jakey. But wait, did you say twin?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. He's my twin brother" He replied.

"Do you both look exactly the same?" I asked further and he nodded.

"I just thought of plan" I said as I smirked.


I feel like most of u will be able to figure the plan out?

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