4 (A dairy?)

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"Mother!?" Jake exclaimed as he ran to the woman who was passed out on the table.

"Wtf is this nonsense? How much have you been drinking!?" He said shaking her from the shoulders.

"Y-your brother is missing.." She spoke in a slurred tone.

"I know that woman, that's why I'm here" Jake said being frustrated.

"That's no way to talk to your mother, Jake" The father of the household said as placed his suitcase at the entrance.

"Let her go and just go upstairs" The man said as he held the woman.

"But- You- How tf are you so chill about this!?" Jake yelled.

"We aren't. There's nothing we could do except wait for the police to find him." His father shrugged as he drank the remnant alcohol in the glass.

Jake just left, not bothering to even say anything.

He went into his brother's room and obviously, it was empty. The place where they both had sleepovers and the place where they played Avengers, was looking the exact same as it had been two years ago.

It all reminded him of Jaeyun, everything in this room did and to find out he was missing, not knowing if he was alive or dead bothered him so much.

He got out of the trance and quickly dialled the number of the police.

"Hello? Yes I'm from Jaeyun's family, any updates on him?....no?..Not even a clue?...I see, okay" He hanged up and was disappointed.

He was so scared of what might be happening to him..Who knows what condition is he in.

Tears perked his eyes as he sat on the bed. He showed his frustration by slamming his fist on the nightstand.

He closed his eyes trying to fight back the tears, but that didn't help as it made them fall down his cheeks.

After a few minutes of crying, he finally got up and wiped his tears.

He tidied up the bed but as he was doing so, he found a small notebook underneath the pillows.

It looked like a diary and the curiosity got the best of him so he opened it up.


I didn't really know how to write him being sad for his brother so I apologise for my lacks.

Now, what's this dairy?

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