12 (Unknown Contact)

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"What the fuck is this supposed to mean?" Heeseung asked Jake.

"That's what I'm asking. Should I block this number? But since they know about me, won't they expose me if I block them?" Jake said being frustrated.

"Gimme that, I'll let a hacker figure out who this came from. You should go to bed, okay?" Heeseung said.

Heeseung was at Jake's house. He didn't care about the mother since she barely came home and when she did, she just slept.

So he has successfully held Heeseung hostage at his house.

"Noo. You work all day even though you're away from Thailand. So you should sleep too, let's figure out the number in the morning." Jake said.

"I'll be okay Jakey, I can drink coffee and manage" Heeseung smiled.

"Nuh-uh, off to bed now" Jake tried to drag Heeseung by his arm but he was strong.

Jake sighed. "You're a weakling" Heeseung chuckled but ceased when he saw Jake glare at him.

He tried to stiffen his laughter but Jake pulled Heeseung by his ear making him groan. "Ahhh sorry sorry sorryyyy"

"Go sleep, you little shit" Jake said as he let go of him.

"Okay.." Heeseung said being defeated.

Time Skip, Next Morning

"Okay bye! Stay safe!" Heeseung yelled as Jake rushed out since he was a bit late.

Heeseung sighed and pulled his laptop out, checking today's agenda and quickly replying to some emails before he locked the door and went out.

Heeseung drove to a library to work at. He typed on his laptop till his fingers were sore. He looked at the time, '1:56 PM ' He decided it was time to spend his time in another place and went to his car.

On the way, he dialled a number.

On Call

Hey Noona, I need your help -Heeseung

Yeah, hurry up, I was in the middle of a game -Yuqi

You still work under me so don't show me attitude -Heeseung

I'm sorry, your majesty. What do I have to do? -Yuqi

Ugh, trace the number I sent you. I want info before 5 PM -Heeseung

Okay -Yuqi

Call ended

Heeseung sighed from exhaustion. He wanted to drink his third cup of coffee and the day barely passed yet. On top of that, he was worried about Jake so he decided to call one of his men, who kept an eye on Jake.

On Call

How's he doing? -Heeseung

He's safe. I saw him getting into an argument at lunch but it wasn't serious. Just someone saying that he couldn't sit there. -The Man

Okay, good to know. Make sure he doesn't get hurt and stay on guard. I'm afraid that Yejun could plan something -Heeseung

Yes Boss -The man

Call Ended

Heeseung then stopped at a place where they could rent rooms to work or study. (I forgot what they're called)

He went in and only came out when it was near 5 pm. Jake's school ended at 5:30 PM and he wanted to pick him up today.

Before he could start driving, he went to buy some takeout, which was nearby. While he was driving he got a text from Yuqi.

'The person is either skilled or has advanced technology. I apologise but I can't get more information. I just know that they're in Korea and according to the IP address, the software was expensive. So it's likely that it was a wealthy person, be careful. Sorry to disappoint, I'll try harder.'

Heeseung slammed his hand on the dashboard. He was disappointed but he knew he couldn't do anything. He just has to keep Jake safe, that's his priority.

He arrived at the front gate and texted Jake. Soon, Jake entered the car.

"You hungry? I bought takeout" Heeseung smiled.

"Yeah, but Hyung, what about that number?" He asked.

"We don't know yet" Hee sighed.

"Well.. I got another message" Jake gave his phone to Heeseung.

Unknown Contact

-Don't ignore me, I'm serious

-Stop acting


"It'll be alright.. Let's just block them, yeah?" Heeseung said and Jake complied.

"Can you stay over today too?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Aw, are you scared?" Heeseung chuckled.

"No.." Jake refused.

"Mhm, I believe you" Heeseung said and the rest of the ride was quiet.

Jake had a heavy heart as he reached for Hee's hand which was on the gear. Heeseung intertwined their fingers which made Jake relax a bit.


I worked hard on this, tell me how this turned out!

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