1 (Quick life peak)

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Jaeyun wakes up on his desk. Looks like he slept while doing his homework.. He streched his limbs and started doing his morning routine.

He got out of the shower, fully dressed and packed his bag with his and other students' homeworks.

As he went down the stairs, he saw his mother drinking coffee and she wasn't on her phone or laptop, which was rare.

"Hey Mom, you're going a bit late today?" Jaeyun asked as he started making breakfast.

"Yeah..it looks like it. The meeting is delayed by an hour and I've got nothing to do yet." She says in a dead voice.

'It's now or never..you gotta tell her' Jaeyun said to himself as he drew a long breath in.

"Mom.." He said as he rubbed his hands.

"Hmm?" The woman hummed as she was thinking about God knows what.

"Can I change schools? Please?" He mumbled.

"I've told you before that you have a scholarship for education in this school." She said as she walked over to sink and placing her mug there.

"But- Can't I-" Jaeyun was interrupted by the female.

"WHAT'S THE REASON!?" She snapped making Jaeyun flinch.

"I-I'm bullied-"

"YOUR MOTHER IS DYING WHILE WORKING HARD TO PAY THE BILLS AND HERE YOU ARE BEING SO SELFISH!? Do you even KNOW how I would die to live your life? You just have ONE job and that is to study. Your dad is over there making money! EVEN YOUR TWIN BROTHER IS MAKING MONEY AND HERE YOU ARE, ACTING LIKE A SPOILED BRAT.YOU CAN'T EVEN HANDLE NAME CALLING AND SHIT!? SUCH A DISGRACE!I wish Jake was here instead not YOU" She raged as anger flooded through her veins.

The mere words made Jaeyun's heart ache. How could his own mother compare him with his brother?

She sighed and then spoke " I don't wanna see your face, I'm already tensed and you coming up with these complaints will obviously make me take it out on you" She said as she aggressively loaded the dishwasher.

So, Jaeyun left his half cooked breakfast over there on the counter, not even bothering to eat it or dispose it.

He took his bag and went out the house, many thoughts flooding his head.

Time skip

Jaeyun sat in an empty classroom, writing his dairy, the only thing that calms him down.

You can call it girlish or whatever but he still writes in it. Almost everyday and he makes sure to write about his day.

And yes, that includes how he's bullied- actually, a better word would be 'Tortured'

He often writes it at night, back in his home. But some days he brings it to the school.

He's relieved Yeorum isn't attending school for the past few days because she has gone to an event overseas.

But that doesn't mean his peace will last for long.

"Oh my God, Jaeyun!? It's such a wonderful surprise to see you here!" Eunseo squealed as she hopped over to him.

That made Jaeyun quickly pack up and get up to leave. But Eunseo grabbed his wrist, making him stop.

"Yah!~ Where's the fun if you leave? Come, let's do a live!" She said pulling him back on the seat.

"Stay seated okay? Or else you know what'll happen" She said without a smile. Jaeyun nodded and Eunseo soon started the live.

"Hello Everyone! It's a random vlog live and oh my God!? We have a special guest today " She started with some actions and a smile and then projected the camera towards Jaeyun.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun " She whispered in a darker voice.

With Jake

"Jake, Please call the design team" Heeseung said to his secretary, who was busy finding some files in the cabinet.

"Hm? Right now? Why?" Jake inquired.

"We have something to handle. CEO Kim revealed his designs early, and they are the same as ours." Heeseung explained as he rubbed his forehead.

"Oh my..we only have two weeks before the exhibition. If our designs are the same, people would think we copied them which is clearly the opposite to what happened" Jake said as he he hurriedly dialled a number.

"I know, but they revealed a teaser of the designs. Which means that we have a tight schedule coming up" Heeseung replied.

"Okay..so the thing is we have a meeting with Mr. Jung in 30 minutes. If you're gonna talk to the design team and finalize something then we will have to cancel lunch with Mr.Jung" Jake said making Heeseung sigh.

"Fucking hell..you can have lunch with him, he was gonna give me a contract and a make deal. You know my choices and decisions, so you should attend it." Heeseung stated as there was a knock on the door, indicating that the design team is here.

"Okay" Jake said as he sighed.


I know this is a Heejakehoon story but Sunghoon will be introduced a bit later.

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