5 (The Diary Entries)

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After each and each page he read, Jake got more furious. How could someone do this to his brother?

This is ridiculous.

Dear Diary,

Today was really, really bad. FS², those five guys who seem to enjoy making others miserable, took things to a whole new level. They cornered me in a quiet spot, where nobody could see what they were doing.

They started hitting me, not just with words, but with their fists. It felt like a storm of punches that left me hurting all over. They laughed like it was some kind of sick game. I tried to protect myself, but there was nowhere to hide.

After they were done, they stood around, laughing and making fun of me. I felt so small and powerless. The pain they left on my body matched the pain inside me. It's like they enjoy seeing me suffer.

I don't get why they do this. I wish someone could stop them. I'm writing this down, hoping that someday things will change, that someone will see what they're doing and make it stop.


Jake's blood boiled. Why did no one help him? Who and what are FS²? How could they even touch him? Why didn't Jake know about this?

He began reading a random page again..

Dear Diary,

Today was really tough. FS², those five guys who always make me feel terrible, used words like weapons. They said things that hurt more than any punch.

It felt like they had a whole book of mean words, and they read every page just to hurt me. Their laughter and mean words followed me everywhere, making me feel so small.

I don't know why they do this. Maybe because I'm different? I wish someone could make them stop. Writing this down, hoping someone will understand and help me.


Jake wanted to comfort his brother. He really loved him and seeing him going through all this made his heart shatter.

He began reading again, thinking he may have written about anything else than FS² but he was proved wrong.

Dear Diary,

Today was super tough. FS² poured freezing water on me, making me freeze like an ice cube. It was so cold, and they just laughed.

Now, I'm sick with a fever. My whole body hurts, and it's hard to feel warm. I wish they could understand how much they hurt me.

Writing this down, hoping someone will help.


Apart from feeling sorry for his brother, he noticed that he had constantly asked for help. Why didn't he tell anyone? Or if he did, why didn't anyone help?

To get answers, he began reading again.

Dear Diary,

Today was really, really tough again. FS² kept being mean, saying hurtful things that make me feel so sad. I wish they would stop.

I tried talking to Mom about it, but she didn't really listen. It's like she has her own world, and my words can't get in. I feel scared to say more because I don't want her to get mad.

The thoughts in my head are like dark clouds, making me feel so alone. I wish someone could see how much I'm hurting inside.

Writing this down, hoping things get better.


That was the final straw, Jake got up and went downstairs to confront his mother.

"Mother what the fu- where are y'all going?" He stopped when he saw his parents dressed up and at the front door.

"Oh Jakey, we're just going shopping! I want to ease my mind y'know? It's been so stressful lately" The woman replied.

"You what?- do you even care about anything except money? Your son was getting bullied but you don't even LISTEN to him!? You failed as a mother bitch" Jake expressed his frustration which made the woman gasp.

"You don't talk to your mother like that! Go to your room!" The father yelled.

"I'm an adult asshole, I'll do what I want" Jake said as he made his way out the door, shoving his parents out of the way.


If you're wondering, both Jake and Jaeyun are 18 rn. Jaeyun moved to thailand and started working when he was 16. He was obviously not the best but he was an intern at hee's company's and with time he became his secretary and fav worker;)

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