13 (The New Boy)

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Jake was nervous to go to school because of that number but he thought that he shouldn't be much bothered, what if they are bluffing?

Anyways, he made his way to his classroom and sat on his seat, which was filled with writings of students.

'Freak' 'Ugly' 'Kys' 'Weakling' 'Slave' 'You should have stayed missing' 'Loser' 'Weirdo' 'Go away' 'Jump', were some of the words scribbled over his desk.

They could be erased if you scrub hard but it doesn't matter when they'll reappear again the next day.

Weak students, Some students except the FS² who couldn't get away with bullying were the ones who would anonymously scribble these on the desk.

He sighed, this was an eyesore but he couldn't care less. His mentality was too strong to break.

Soon, the teacher walked in and started teaching to which Jake payed attention to till the end.

Time Skip, Lunch Break

Jake took his food tray and sat on a table. He was eating peacefully until someone came behind him.

"Having fun eating?" A girl asked him.

"I was, until you showed up" Jake said as he rolled his eyes. Looks like some of these can also get away with bullying.

"Hey, don't be mean! Oh!? What are you eating? Rice? I love rice" She said as she grabbed Jake's chopsticks.

"Then go get your own." Jake said.

The girl didn't respond and instead, broke the chopsticks and poured water over the entire lunch.

"That's no way to talk to your senior, Jaeyun" She said but Jake remained quiet. He got up, ready to leave when the girl poured rest of the water on him, making everyone gasp and laugh.

"Someone gotta teach you manners Jaeyun-ah, it's rude to not reply to your senior- agh!" She screamed in surprise when Jake threw the ruined lunch at her, making her uniform dirty.

"And someone's gotta you how act humane" He said but she grabbed him and slapped him.

Murmurs were heard as Jake slapped the girl back, with more force.

"Hey! You can't hit a girl!" Her friends said and came to comfort her as she started crying.

"But I can hit one bitch" Jake said and left as people were going crazy over this new Jaeyun. Many people recorded and posted, and many people replied. Making this scene more popular.

Just as he was about to leave the cafeteria, someone stopped him.

"Woah, that was cool. It was nice to see you stand up for yourself, what's your name?" A boy asked.

Jake looked up at him since he was taller. As the Jake's gaze met the boy's for the first time, he couldn't help but be captivated by the boy's enchanting features. That boy's eyes sparkled with a magnetic charm, revealing a depth that hinted at both resilience and warmth. His well-defined facial structure, from the chiseled jawline to the straight nose, spoke of a captivating blend of strength and grace. A friendly smile played his lips, as his hand was on Jake's shoulder.

"Tch. Why do you care?" He responded coldly, moving away from the boy get his hand off his shoulder.

"Why will I not? You seemed cool, I wanna be friends" The boy insisted.

"Friends?" Jake scoffed.

"Where the fuck was this 'friends' thing when I got bullied? Just because I now know how to stand up for myself you wanna be friends?" Jake said. From what he has read in his brother's diary, no one helped. Not even the teachers helped him.

"Bullied? You used get bullied? How?" The boy asked being confused.

"I- how do you not know?- You know what? I'm just wasting my time, I'll get going" Jake was about to leave when the boy grabbed his wrist.

"Hey? Let go-" Jake said.

"Just so you know, I got transferred here yesterday and I saw you yesterday too. I'm genuinely interested in you." The boy said.

"What is this? Love at first sight? Or wanna be friends at first sight? Whatever it is, it's ridiculous" Jake said as he freed his hand from the boy.

"Since you don't wanna introduce yourself first, I will. I'm Park Sunghoon, Nice to meet you" Sunghoon said.

"I don't care, I wanna change out of these wet clothes" Jake said and left, leaving Sunghoon there as he started at Jake's disappearing figure.

"He's my type.." The boy chuckled to himself and left to get food.


Sunghoon in the story!!(Finnally💀😭)

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