3(Unexpected Departure)

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(It's near 7 pm btw)

Jake was just talking to Heeseung about the meeting with Mr.Jung.

In Heeseung's opinion, Jake was talking like an excited puppy. The way he was rambling about how cool he was back then made Heeseung look at him with a fond smile.

But they both were interrupted by a ring from Jake's phone.

He just silenced and continued talking. Until it started vibrating again.

"I think you should take this, might be important" Heeseung said as he glanced at the phone.

"It's just my mom. I'm sure she could wait a bit" Jake said as resumed talking.

If Jake isn't bothered, why should Heeseung worry? So they got lost in their world completely ignoring the 12 missed calls.

After Heeseung left for some work, Jake sighed as he dialled the woman's number.

"What mom? If I didn't pick up in 3 calls it means I'm busy, y'know that" -Jake

"Don't give me that attitude! How can you be so careless? If I'm calling it means it's something important!" -Mom

"I don't have time. Hurry" -Jake

"Your brother has gone missing "

"WHAT!? HOW!?" -Jake

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since 3 days and he isn't picking up his phone. I'm worried " -Mom

"And you're telling me now!?" -Jake

"Hush. I've also figured a while ago. I called your father and he's booking tickets right now. The flight is tomorrow evening. Be here quick." -Mom

Call ended

"Fuck!" Jake cursed as he slammed his hand on the table.

Jake loved his twin, a lot. They sure don't talk to each often ever since he moved to Thailand, but he truly cares for him. And hearing that he's missing is making him wish this is a joke.

After a few minutes of pulling himself together, he exited his office going to Heeseung's office.

He entered without knocking and hurriedly made his way infront of him.

"It's a family emergency. I'm leaving." Jake started.

This made Heeseung drop the pen he was holding. "Leaving? To where? How long? Why?" Heeseung said as he was a little panicked.

"I talked to mother. We have a family emergency. I need to leave to Korea tomorrow evening. I'm sorry but please let me, it's important " Jake said as he grabbed hee's hand.

"I- can't you sit this one out? We have to attend an important event in two days" Heeseung said.

"Just take Taehyun with you or something? I promise I'll be back soon" Jake said with pleading eyes that made Heeseung give in.

"Fine, I'll take gyu not Taehyun tho, he annoys me a lot..do you want me to book you a private jet?" Heeseung asked.

"No thank you. I'm going there with my father" Jake said with an apologetic smile.

"Oh..stay safe then.. I'll miss you" Heeseung as he slightly pouted.

Jake quickly made him stand up as he hugged hee by his neck. Heeseung also reciprocated by hugging his waist.

"I'll miss you too Hee" Jake said as he broke the hug.

"I'm gonna head home, I need to pack" Jake said as he started walking, Heeseung following behind.

"Call when you're about to board the plane AND when you reach" Heeseung said as he walked Jake to the elevator.

"Will do and you should also head home before 10, okay? Don't overwork yourself" Jake said as he raised a finger at him.

"Yes Sir" Heeseung said as he chuckled.

Jake and Heeseung exchanged their last smiles before the elevator door closed.


I've finnally started the main plot of the book. I've seen ppl's guesses and loved reading them ngl. Comment your theories too!

Also, how did Jaeyun go missing?

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