8 (Mission: Jaeyun)

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"So you're telling me..I need to take place of my brother and go to his school?" Jake asked nervously.

"Yes..that would be perfect! Just think about it, you can come to know about how your brother was treated and figure out how he went missing. You told me that he goes to school and comes back home,goes to school and comes back home and repeat..so if he's missing than you can probably get clues in his school. Also if you do that, the kidnapper might approach you and ask how you're here." Heeseung tried to convince him.

But Jake looked hesitant. "I.." He trailed off.

"Don't worry, I'll secretly plant some bodyguards to keep you safe" Heeseung reassured.

"Let's say that if I do it..but I don't know anything at his school. How am I supposed to be him? Won't anyone get suspicious?" Jake questioned.

"I'll figure that out soon..you should get rest, okay? It's getting late" Heeseung said.

"Hm..okay. I'll try to think of something too" Jake says as he collects his stuff from the table.

"Take care. My driver will take you home." Heeseung said making Jake nod.

Time Skip, The next day

"Yah! Jake, where are you going?" His mother asked as she was munching on her toast.

"To get breakfast" Jake replied while putting his shoes on.

"Make it at home itself. Why are you spending money on that!?" She yelled.

"Because I want to. This house doesn't even have stuff to make a good breakfast" Jake said before he went out.

"This ungrateful brat... atleast he could've taken me out too.." She mumbled as she took a big bite.


"Hi Seungie!" Jake greeted.

"Hey, you dressed gorgeously today.." Heeseung said as he looked at Jake up and down.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with a few big black stars on them with some Chinese words we don't know about and baggy black trousers, also decorating his attire with some simple jewellery.

"God, stop..why don't we discuss about the important stuff?" Jake said as he sat down beside him on the bench.

"So I came to know that a student, Kim Sunoo, whose father is my manager, studies in that school." Heeseung said making Jake excited.

"And I met him a while ago and I told him to tell me about Jaeyun and some important things. And he did." Heeseung said further.

"Did you tell him about the plan or me?" Jake asked to which Heeseung said no.

"I told someone to take notes while I was talking to him also, so I'll send you those in a while " Heeseung said.

"The first thing is that you need to somehow convince your parents to not do or spoil anything. If they do then we're doomed." Hee said.

"But what about the police and stuff?" Jake asked.

"I'll take care of it." Heeseung replied.

"And how are you gonna do that?" Jake asked again.

"Just feeding them some money" Heeseung said with a smirk.

"Ah.. that's so cool! I feel like a secret agent already!!" Jake said as he bounced, making Hee chuckle at his cuteness.

"So my dear agent, we'll start this mission on Monday, in 4 days. Till then, do what I said and try to get in that role a bit." Heeseung said.

"Yes Boss" Jake said with an adorable smile.


I'm so nervous for the council selection 😭

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