16 (Lunch)

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Jake hates this. It's been a week and Sunghoon hasn't stopped bothering him. How did he even get enrolled here when he's this dumb, Jake wonders. He has explain all the notes to him and Sunghoon still doesn't get nice marks during tests.

He sometimes even accompanies him to lunch and it's frustrating for Jake to deal with him while eating food.

And today is the same. Sunghoon, himself, lunch, cafeteria, stares.

Oh yeah, the stares. Jake already got wierd stares before Sunghoon got involved with him but now he gets more since talks to him.

I mean, Jake knows that Sunghoon is pleasing to the eyes but the actions of the fangirls are absolutely ridiculous.

"Hurry up or the lunch will be finished" Sunghoon said as he closed his locker and waited for Jake to do the same.

"Go on your own, then" Jake rolled his eyes.

"Oh nah then, take as much time as you want, sweetheart" He winked.

"Do you want me to stab you with this pen?"

"Just kidding" Sunghoon laughed it off, as they went to the cafeteria.

"Thank You.." Jake said as he took his lunch tray, he was lucky that he got here when only 5 servings were left.

Jake was gonna go sit on a table when someone bumped into him, making him drop his lunch tray.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!!" Yeorum smirked slightly before she gave him doe eyes.

"You fuckin-" Jake got cut off.

"Ayy mate, she said she was sorry. Why are you picking up fights with my pretty little girlfriend?" Yejun came infront of her as he smirked as well.

"Okay? Apology not accepted? Buy me food" Jake scoffed.

"Is there a problem?" The principal entered the cafeteria.

'Ugh just great' Jake rolled his eyes.

"No sir" Yejun smiled and walked away with Yeorum, keeping a hand on her waist.

The principal then turned around and left. 'This is definitely planned by that bastar-' Jake stopped his thoughts when he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder.

"Are you just gonna stand here? Oh and where's your lunch?" Sunghoon asked, walking him to a table.

"Those fucking bitches made me drop my lunch" Jake scowled.

"Eh? When?.. Hold on, I'll get you a new one" Sunghoon smiled as he got up.

Jake sighed as he waited for Sunghoon. They were having also croples today, which was pretty rare. And almost everyone loves them, including Jake so he was just wishing that there are still some left.

"I'm sorry Jaeyun, but there's only seaweed soup left and some rice but it's too little to feel full" Sunghoon said as he bought him the food.

"Fucking great.." Jake mumbled.

"Well..you can take my lunch" Sunghoon scooted his tray towards him.

"Ah no thanks"

"Take it, seriously."

"Are you sure?" Jake asked.

"I had a heavy breakfast today so I'm not that hungry.. I was gonna throw away the rest anyway" Sunghoon smiled.

"Well...Thank you so much, Sunghoon" Jake accepted the free food.

"How much do I owe you?" Jake asked while munching on some food.

"Ummm.." Sunghoon pretended to think. "Can we walk together at the start and end of classes together?"

"Wierdo.. I meant money..?"

"Nah, I don't need money from a cutie like you. Just walking with you is perfect" Sunghoon said while pinching Jake's cheeks.

"Yah! Get your hand away" Jake hit him with his chopsticks.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" Sunghoon continued eating.

But he didn't realize that Jake was staring at him with grateful and affectionate eyes.


I'm sorry for the big delay. I'm having midterms 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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