Chapter 3

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Evening fell in New York with all of the Avengers, minus Natasha who would be back in a few days from her mission if all went well and Thor who was in Asgard speaking with Heimdall, gathered on the communal floor waiting for Phil to return from his shift of the day with any evidence S.H.I.E.L.D had on Harry Potter.

"Do you think we'll be able to do this without drawing S.H.I.E.L.D's wrath onto us?" Bruce asked, fingers tapping nervously on the arms of the chair he was sitting in.

"I think if we can prove it to Fury that he's not what that Minister claimed he was, we'll be better off, but with S.H.I.E.L.D you never know... I think they're still a little pissed that I diverted their nuke during the Chitauri invasion." Tony said from where he was working on his tablet, trying to pass the time.

"Besides Thor speaking with Heimdall, how will we be able to verify that the information is false or true?" Steve asked.

"That's the problem. I don't know how we can do that. If we could contact some people from that world that isn't biased against the kid maybe we could get additional information, but I have no idea of who we could contact or even how we could contact them." Tony said.

"You mean your genius self hasn't already thought of that?" Clint teased from the hammock he had hanging up near the ceiling.

Tony sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, even my genius takes some time to work during certain situations."

"Well, hopefully, we can figure it out soon because the other guy is rattling his cage pretty hard. He wants out and he wants to get him out of there. Seeing him strapped down to that table pissed us both off." Bruce said, eyes already green. They had changed to green and stayed green ever since the team had been on the Helicarrier and seen Harry and the entire situation with him.

Before anyone could respond, the elevator slid open and Phil walked in, holding up a file in his hand. "I've got good and bad news... Which one do you want first?"

"We'd be stupid to take the good news first," Tony said with a roll of his eyes.

"Alright, bad news first. The bad news is we don't have much information. We haven't received any new information that what we were told during the meeting with the Minister and the Director doesn't seem too concerned about getting it." Phil said, holding out the file in his hand which Bruce took. "We were told the basics; mass murderer, records from his Phoenix feather core, 13 ½ inch, yew wood wand as proof..."

"This isn't yew and the wand isn't 13 ½ inches. Close to it, but it's maybe 10 ½ or 11 inches." Bruce said, holding up a picture of the teen smiling, standing in between a bushy-haired female and a redheaded male, each of them holding wands in their hands. They looked young in the picture, maybe only ten or eleven years old.

"You can tell the difference between wood?" Tony asked, leaning over to look at the picture.

"If you remember, I used to travel a lot. I learned a lot about different, sometimes irrelevant things." Bruce said with a shrug. "If I'm looking at this right this might be wood from a Holly tree."

"Okay, so how does that help us?" Steve asked, feeling a little lost.

"Well, the Minister said that the evidence they recorded came from a yew wand, 13 ½ inches. If that's true and this wand is his real wand... someone screwed up and that's an innocent kid strapped in the Helicarrier."

"But can they have more than one wand? Can someone else use their wand and cast those spells? We have unanswered questions that we need answered." Steve said, frustrated.

"Well, on to the good news then. We have a small list of accomplices that they warned us to look out for. I think Tony should put his skills and name to use and try and contact some of them." Phil said, holding up another file. "We've got family; an aunt; Petunia Dursley, Uncle; Vernon Dursley and cousin; Dudley Dursley. They have them marked as a 'non-threat'. The only threat listed on the page is a classmate and friend of his; a Hermione Granger."

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