Chapter 5

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Almost two days after Thor left to return to Asgard, Tony was sitting in his lab, tinkering with an upgrade for Clint's arrows. He had already developed some that, when they exploded, emitted a knock-out gas and was currently working on ones that would explode like a flashbang and would temporarily stun their enemies, hopefully giving them an advantage.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, sir, but Thor is back along with Loki and Agent Romanoff is in the elevator heading to the floor they're on," Jarvis announced.

"What? Is there anyone else on the floor with Thor and Loki?" Tony asked, jumping up and heading for the door.

"No, sir, just the two. Shall I inform the Captain and others?"

"Yeah, let them know," Tony said stepping into the elevator and pressed the button for the communal floor. "And, J, get my elevator up there quickly."

"Shall I stop her elevator until you arrive?"

"No, she'll just get out and get up there. Plus that will put her guard up and she'll be suspecting trouble. Just get me up there quickly so she doesn't try to kill them." Tony said, even as a gunshot sounded as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"Natasha, wait!" Tony shouted, rushing forwards as her finger tightened around the trigger again.

"What is he doing here?" She asked, tightly, eyes staying on the gods in front of her.

"We'll explain everything I promise just put your gun down," Tony said.

"Natasha, stand down!" Steve's voice ordered from behind them as he stepped off of the elevator with Clint and Bruce.

Looking between the group, Natasha sighed and slowly lowered her gun, but kept it in her hand, ready to use it if need be.

"I want an explanation and I want it now." She ordered tossing a glare towards her teammates.

"This is lovely and all, but while you do that, I'll do what I'm supposed to be doing." Loki said with a grin before disappearing.

Tensing, Natasha frowned and looked at the team who all backed up when her eyes connected with theirs. "Explain. Now." She ordered.

Gulping, Tony glanced at the others and saw the same worried and concerned looks on their faces.


Appearing inside of the Helicarrier, Loki took a second to look around at the agents scurrying around, doing whatever their task at the moment was completely unaware of his presence thanks to the spell keeping him invisible to them. He could easily destroy them and their precious Helicarrier if he wished to.

Heading out of the room and down the hall, Loki sneered when he caught sight of the one eyed leader walking down the hall talking with another agent, oblivious to everything but the papers in his hand.

"This information doesn't make me happy, doctor. You and your team were ordered to see what information you could obtain from Potter's blood and you have yet to show me any results. Tell me why I shouldn't replace you and your team and find one that will do what they promise."

"Director Fury, it isn't as easy as simply taking his blood and harnessing his powers through it. We need to first find the DNA strand that his magic is in and then try to extract it and work from there. It is not a simple procedure. Especially since his magic might not even be viable in his blood. It might be something in his brain or just laced through his body."

"I said nothing about you harnessing or extracting his magic... not at this time anyway. I simply want you to find any information about it so that we could check others blood and see if we can verify their status as a Witch or Wizard through their blood. That way we'll know if we're dealing with one if we come across an enemy with the same pattern in their DNA."

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