Chapter 16

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Lying in bed, rubbing his irritated nose with a tissue, Harry cursed whoever passed their germs on to him, causing him to get sick. It had been happening so much since he was forced to take that potion to dampen his magic. He hoped it wasn't something that would last for years. He couldn't take getting sick because of the smallest thing. He was bored and sick of being stuck in bed, but the second he tried to leave Jarvis would inform the others and he would be ushered back into his bed by whichever mother hen was closest to him.

"Jarvis, where are the others now?" Harry asked in a gravely voice.

"Sir is meeting with Ms Potts with Ms Granger about writing up a business proposal for their new gadget for your world's technology. Captain Rogers accompanied Ms Granger. Mr Barton and Ms Romanoff have been called to S.H.I.E.L.D by Agent Coulson. Thor has dragged his brother off to meet his 'lovely Jane' as he called her. Finally, Doctor Banner is in his meditation chambers with strict orders not to be disturbed unless a major threat comes up."

"Good," Harry said with a nod, throwing his blankets off of him and slowly pushing himself off of the bed. Standing, Harry slowly shuffled his way towards the door, stopping to grab the ugly, green-faced witch-covered robe that Tony had gotten him as a gag gift. It may have been ugly, but it was very warm and he could use the warmth right now.

"I don't advise you leaving your bed, Harry," Jarvis said.

"I know you've already told one or more of the others and I should prepare for a verbal tongue-lashing when they get here."

"I have not informed them yet, but they have given orders that you are to remain in bed until your fever decreases."

"I just want to get a cup of tea and rest on the couch. You know that Tony purchased the most comfortable couch and that I can rest just as easily on that." Harry said, slowly walking towards the door, leaning on the wall once he was close enough.

"I shall agree to not tell if you are just going to rest. We do not want you passing out like before from overdoing anything while you are sick."

"Trust me, Jarvis, I learned my lesson when I cracked my head open when I first got sick," Harry said, recalling how he had passed out in the kitchen while cooking and had hit his head on the counter. Everyone had been frantic when Jarvis woke them up to help him... the blood hadn't helped calm them either.

"We shall see if you have," Jarvis said, sounding as sceptical as an AI could. "Shall I start a movie for you?"

"Nah, I'll just flip through the channels and see what's on." Harry answered, stumbling into the elevator which started moving as soon as he was safely inside.

It only took a few seconds for the elevator to descend to the communal floor, where everyone seemed to gravitate towards when they weren't feeling well or were injured. Stepping out, Harry dragged his body towards the large couch with a large throw blanket folded across the back and dropped onto the soft cushions. Rubbing his cheek against the soft material of the arm of the couch, he glanced behind him towards the kitchen, wondering if he really wanted to make up a cup of tea.

Deciding the cup of tea wasn't worth the trek to the kitchen, Harry pulled the throw blanket off of the couch and tucked it around himself then reached out and picked up the remote. With the blanket pulled all the way up to just above his nose and his hand barely sticking out so he could use the remote, Harry quickly fell asleep, remote slipping out of his hand to quietly thump onto the floor.

He woke up a few hours later to his head in Loki's lap and the god's fingers brushing through his hair.

Giving a moan of pleasure, Harry pressed his head into Loki's hand and asked, "How long have you been back?"

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