Chapter 17

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Standing on the top of the tower, Loki looked out over New York, looking as it did before the invasion; there were crowds of people rushing about in their daily routines, looking as if they had no knowledge of what really lurked out there in the shadows, ready to rain destruction down on them.

"Brother, I have been looking for you. I have received word from father. He wishes us to visit so he can speak with us."

"When does he wish us to be there?" Loki asked, turning to look at Thor.

"As soon as we can go."

"Must it be today? Harry is meeting with someone and I wish to be there with him."

"He has changed you, it seems."

"What do you mean?" Loki asked.

"I feel if it had been any other magic user, or if their past had been different you would have left just as quickly as you brought him to us. That you might have returned to your mischievous ways of before... is that something that will change once everything calms down with your Wizard? Will you return to your mischievous ways once you become bored?"

"I did not and do not plan on causing any more major mischief, Thor. I saw the damage my plans caused to these Midguardians and I do not plan on doing it again."

"Maybe not to this extent, but you have caused mischief before that caused problems."

"Maybe, when I am bored I will cause some, to those that have hurt or wronged Harry because I feel they deserve it," Loki said darkly.


"Relax, brother. I shall not do any lasting damage." Loki said, cutting him off. "Shall we be off to see father before he gets restless? If we leave now I should be back to be here with Harry for his meeting."

"Of course. Shall I call Heimdall?"

"Wait, I wish to go and inform Harry before I disappear."

"I will meet you here when you are finished."

Nodding, Loki left the balcony and headed into the tower, looking for Harry. He found him on his floor, sitting on the couch with his wand, the small pensive of his memories, the picture of Harry and his two friends with their wands and a copy of both the picture and pensive in front of him.

"Preparing for your meeting?"

"Yeah. Trying to think about anything else I should bring to the meeting room with me." Harry said, looking up with a smile.

"I needed to inform you before I left that the All-father wishes for Thor and I to go to Asgard. I hope to be back before your meeting, but I fear I might not be."

"That's okay," Harry said in a near whisper. "I think I need to do this myself."

"Is that wise?"

"Yeah, I'll be able to do this. It'll be fine." Harry said with a nod.

Giving a tense nod, Loki moved forward and pressed a kiss against Harry's forehead. "I shall be back as quickly as I can."

"Don't worry, I can do this. I'm not going to break by being interviewed by a reporter. Plus I doubt she's going to be stronger than me now that I can use my magic again." Harry said. "And on the off chance that she does attack me and gets the upper hand... well, I'm in the Avengers tower and Bruce is only a few floors away."

"Of course." Looking up, Loki said, "I best head off before Thor comes and hunts me down."

"Go on and I'll see you when you get back," Harry said with a smile, reaching up to pull Loki down into a quick kiss before he gave the god a soft push towards the door.

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