Chapter 6

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As the Avengers sat around the table in the Helicarrier, they watched as Director Fury paced back and forth, while glaring at the security footage played across the screen, showing Loki taking Harry from his restraints and disappearing with him.

"Would anyone, maybe you, Thor, like to tell me how Loki is on earth again? And not only that, he broke into our secure facilities and took off with our dangerous prisoner." Fury asked, glaring at the blond god.

"Man of Fury, I have had no knowledge of Loki being away from Asgard. On my last visit with my parents, they had even informed me that Loki has not been out of his cell because of his refusal to acknowledge that what he had done was wrong." Thor said with a sad frown on his face as he looked at the frozen picture of Loki holding Harry.

"Well, he's not there anymore and he's taken off with someone that is just as strong as he is magically. We're going to have another dangerous incident if they aren't found."

"Your scientists haven't figured out ways to stop or protect themselves against magic then?" Bruce asked sarcastically, anger in his eyes. "Loki did say your scientists were trying to experiment with your prisoner's magic."

"Doctor Banner, maybe it isn't best for you to be here."

"He's a member of my team and he's needed here. I trust him enough to be able to control his anger issues." Steve said, motioning for Bruce to stay in his seat.

Sitting back, Bruce nodded, taking a few deep breaths to control his anger.

"I understand your anger at experiments being done, especially on someone unwilling, but my orders are just so that we can monitor others blood to check for magic levels in others. That way we'll know if we're dealing with magic users so you don't have any surprises during fights." Fury said. "Loki and his magic was bad enough. This way we'll know and can try to counteract any magic they may use to keep civilians and yourselves safe in the face of war."

"Regardless, the other guy doesn't like experiments being done on unconscious and restrained teenagers." Bruce said.

Ignoring the veiled warning, Fury turned towards Thor and said, "What are you planning to do about this?"

"I can visit Asgard and speak with Heimdall and ask him to seek out Loki, but there is always the chance that Loki is able to evade Heimdall's sight."

Sighing, Fury ran a hand across his face and said, "Do that and quickly. I want Loki off of this planet and the prisoner back in his cell before we have to deal with another city being destroyed in a fight."

"I shall leave with haste after our meeting concludes," Thor said with a nod.

"Right if this meeting is done I need to get back home because I do have a company to run and inventions to make," Tony said, standing up and looking around.

"That's it for now. Go about your business, but be ready to answer any calls as soon as you get them." Fury said, motioning to the door. "And I expect an answer quickly about why we weren't informed about Loki's escape from his cell or of his return to Earth."

"I shall gather the answers as quickly as possible, Man of Fury," Thor said with a nod as the group stood and headed for the door.

"Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton, check in with Agent Coulson before you leave. He asked to speak with you before you left."

"Of course, Director, we shall head there now," Natasha said after sharing a look with Clint.

"We'll meet you on the jet when you're done," Steve called after them as they walked down the hall in the opposite direction.

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