Chapter - 4

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Well I finally met The JEON JUNGKOOK, and he's a total grumpy man. But I was kinda wrong about his looks. When I reached the Jeon mansion, Mrs. Jeon specially asked me to call her Eomma because Jungkookshi calls her mom. Well I didn't mind, I can keep her word.

Then she asked me to go and bring Jungkook. When I went to the garden I was stunned. He was wearing a white shirt and pants. The sleeves rolled up and three top buttons opened. He didn't sense my presence.

He had some tattoos on one hand and had piercings. Honestly, he's really very handsome. He looks young too. But he doesn't smiles. He had calm expressions on his face, his hair brushed up making his forehead exposed.

Six pack abs, that were clearly visible through the shirt. Quite muscular physique clear that he takes a lot of care of himself. He was quite a lot taller than me.

However my attention got diverted when I saw a plant of white roses. Wow! They were looking so beautiful that I couldn't stop myself from plucking one. I giggled when a butterfly, started flying around me.

However suddenly I felt a pull and looked the pipe of the water was surrounding my ankle, another pull and I fell on the ground stumbling.

The petals of my white rose fell apart making me cry out.

I saw as Jungkook kneeled towards me thinking I was hurt. I told that it was because of him I fell down but he thought I was lying. He doesn't knows that I don't lie. Hmph!!

Later he also called me stupid, I am not stupid, he is.

Finally he went upstairs and Mrs. Jeon or Eomma told me to wash my clothes. She gave a hoodie to me to wear and kept my dress to dry them.

The hoodie was quite big on my body. But I ignored it and went towards the dining area.

Someone gasped from behind making me turn.

"Yaah you!! How come you are wearing my hoodie!!" A girl, in her 20s same age as mine. However she was taller than me. Her face was quite similar to that of Jungkook's. Maybe his sister.

"Ohh Yuna, she's our guest. Her clothes got dirty that's why" Eomma said and that girl sighed in relief nodding and then smiled. She had bunny teeths making her look really cute. She came forward and extended her hand. I took it smiling as well and shook it.

"Hi, I am Jeon Yuna. This family's youngest member." I nodded my head smiling. I was right.

"I am Kim y/n."

"Aah so you are that y/n. Wow you are really brave you saved mom's purse that day. Friends?"

"Friends." I replied and she giggled.

"By the way sorry I reacted that way. But this is my boyfriend's hoodie. Mom doesn't knows and please don't tell." She said and I gasped but immediately went silent.

"Omg then I should change it!!" I said whispering back and she nodded her head then held my hand and said,

"Come to my room I will give another clothes." I nodded and followed her inside the mansion.

Her room was huge, coloured in pink and white.

She gave me a white dress to wear.

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