Chapter - 8

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"Jeon Jungkook."
My mind went blank. It didn't matter what I think of him what mattered to me was how can he marry me? That's impossible. He was a billionaire and I had nothing in me, a lot of girls out there a lot better than me.

I couldn't say anything, suddenly the doorbell rang and I saw as Mr and Mrs Jeon entered along with Jungkook who was busy doing something in his cell phone.

"Hello, how are you dear?" Mrs. Jeon asked me and I slightly nodded letting them know yes I was okay. But I was not from inside. They started talking and I was there sitting all quiet.

I wasn't feeling bad or heart broken but I couldn't stop thinking about what mom said just now. Is it truly does he really wants to marry me? Impossible.

"So as you know Mrs Kim, I want my son and your daughter to get married to each other." These words made me look and immediately my eyes came in contact with that of Jungkook's. They had no emotions. Just like mom. They never hold emotions for me. Does that mean he's not that interested into it.

Suddenly he cleared his throat and started speaking, "See I wanted to make something clear, I have no one in my life. So I wanted for an arrange marriage and mom decided for her. Obviously it's weird because we don't know each other but for my parents I am ready to marry but if you or y/n has any problem then it's alright." He stated clearly. I was right.

He looked at me and had a slight smirk on his face which I shrugged for the moment.

My mom spoke now, "I have no problem. Jungkook is a billionaire how come I will have a problem. But I want to ask one thing, she's useless and you are such a big person, is it okay for you to marry someone like her."

She was right but still it felt bad somehow.

Mr and Mrs Jeon shared glances and Jungkook looked at me, however this time he had a frown on his face.

"Anyways if you all are insisting, then it's done. She will marry Jungkook." Mom declared while I fiddled with my fingers. Jungkook who seemed to be a bit annoyed stated, "But she said nothing." He pointed at me and mom looked towards me.

Honestly I wanted to say no. Because I know I am nothing compared to Jeon family. But then I looked at mom who was looking at me with a smile.

"She will, won't you?" She asked keeping that smile. My eyes turned glossy, it was after 10 long years she again smiled at me. If my marriage is what makes her happy then I am okay.

I immediately nodded my head and said in a low tone, "Yes I will." Mrs. Jeon cheered up and hugged me immediately being all happy while I could see from the corner of my eyes that Jungkook was somewhat disappointed.

But it's not my fault they are the ones to approach and to keep my mom's heart, I can do this much atleast.

"Umm can I talk with y/n for a moment in private?" Jungkook asked suddenly and while Mrs. Jeon just smiled nodding my mom hesitated but ultimately gave permission. Before going she whispered near my ear, "Don't you dare do anything stupid."

I went behind Jungkook, a bit limping as my ankle was still hurting but I didn't want anyone to know.

I was walking carefully but the unbearable pain suddenly made me stumble and I crashed with something hard and I fell down on my butt. It was Jungkook's back, he turned around and groaned in complete annoyance.

"How stupid of you, you can't even walk properly and have zero sense of style do you really think you are eligible to be Mrs. Jeon." True, but right now the question was on my self respect and I am not going to listen a single thing against that. I somehow stood up and even though it pained I did not make any sound and just stared directly in his eyes.

"Mr. Jeon, it's not my fault. You are the one who has brought the proposal. Me and my mother didn't approach you. So if you don't want someone like me why did you even approach." I stated and obviously he had nothing to say.

"It's not my fault. I said earlier too, I have no interest in marrying you. My mother wishes you to be my wife, god knows why. But I can never consider you as my wife." Arrogant. Rude. But he thinks if he won't consider me as his wife , I will die, huh! I am also Kim y/n.

"Then don't. You cannot go against your mother's wish, and same goes to me. Also don't you dare think every girl out there is dying to be your wife. I also won't consider you as my husband. So you can just go and live your life maybe." He sighed brushing his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes nodding.

"Fine then that's deal. But what about the fact that we are husband and wife. I have a reputation you know."

"Well we can deal with that later because right now both of us are doing this for their parents." I said and he nodded going out of the place.

I once again followed him limping on one leg, but this time I didn't go towards the living room, I straightaway went to my bedroom. I was in need of some time all alone to think all these things.

Everything happened so quick that I am still in a daze. I sat on the bed and took out a painkiller for my ankle and after gulping the tablet with water I laid down sighing.

Well I fell bad. I was going to be in a loveless marriage. The thought alone was making me want to cry. I have always dreamt of having a marriage filled with love just like I used to watch in Kdramas. But my fate is just cruel I guess. I don't hate him but still. It's not like he will ever love me. But then it was for my mother's happiness. This much I can do for her, I think.

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