Chapter - 5

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"Why? What's wrong? I am sure her father calls her princess too, isn't it?" Appa says. Her father must be done with her behaviour afterall she's so annoying.

"Ofcourse her father does-" I was cut in the middle.

"I don't have a father." Y/n says and I don't know why I felt bad. Bad for what I was about to say.

I saw how she looked down at her lap. Suddenly appa says, "So what, I am sure he would still consider you as a princess. After all you are so beautiful and innocent anyone would call you that." She smiled looking at him, a big smile that made her look pretty. True, she looked pretty.

I didn't noticed till now but her dress was changed and so was her hairstyle.
This dress was looking on her really good. She looked up at me and smiled as well, I didn't smile but realised maybe I was too tough.

"Oh but he's not prince at all. He's a grumpy Ahjussi!!" She pointed towards me and I choked on thin air. What did she say??!!!

Mom, dad and Yuna laughed at her words.

"What in the world? Am I joke to you all!" I stomped my feet towards my room until I heard someone yell,

"Yahhh Jungkook! Have lunch first." That's mom.

"No I will have it later." I was not in a mood anymore. I stared at the mirror of my room, do I really look grumpy? Well being serious and disciplined won't ever make you grumpy. A clumsy girl like her will surely not know that.

My phone started ringing and I looked at the I'd. Aish I forgot that today we planned to meet. But mom said to have lunch just now.

I looked at the message and my eyes got widened.

It said:-

"I am at the doorstep come down now!!"

God this hyung, he has not grown up at all.

I went downstairs and saw everyone was already in the dining room having lunch. And there I saw him entering the house.

My bestfriend, well not really he was one year older than me but we were like bestfriends only.

"Taehyungie Hyung! I am sorry I forgot about the meet but there's this irritating guest." I apologised and hyung nodded his head.

"God Kook, how many times I have to say pick calls. I wouldn't have come here then. Anyways now that here I should have lunch as well because it's your fault." He said pointing towards me and I nodded my head accepting the fault.

"But why were you not picking calls, today's an off day na!"

"I said na Hyung, there's this irritating girl who's our guest for today."

"Girl which girl?" Before I could reply I heard an yell.

"HAHHH GRUMPY AHJUSSI WHO ARE YOU CALLING IRRITATING GIRL HUH?" I turned around and there she was. She marched towards me like she owns all the place. However she almost bumped on the couch on her way and was about to fall but straightened her posture quite soon.

Ugh time for embarrassment that too infront of Taehyung. Not really pleasurable.

"Who are you?" Tae asked, his one eyebrow raised up in confusion.

"I am Kim Y/n but he said I am irritating!!" She said and glared at me. Well she really has some audacity to be like this infront of me. Normally people don't even dare to look straight at me and look at her trying to have a fight with me. Even Taehyung seemed to be taken aback but suddenly he bursted out into laughter. Huh! What happened to him now?

"Oh my God y/n, you are so funny. You know what I am with you. He's a cold grumpy man." What the- now my bestfriend is also siding with me. What is happening suddenly, does she have some kind of magical powers she has been continuously controlling everyone. Everyone is loving her. Only I can see how much annoying she is.

They started to laugh at some other things and both of them forgot I was even there. But who cares anyways.

"Omo it's 6pm already. I need to go home otherwise my mom will make me homeless." She said and went towards Yuna. Maybe to return her dress. They talked about something, there was a bag but she was still wearing Yuna's dress.

"Ok then I will take my leave now. By Eomma, Appa, Yuna and Taehyungshi and you too Ahjussi." She took her leave.

What kind of behaviour is this? She called Tae as Taehyungshi but I was called Ahjussi? Why why why? I am younger than him.

"I am not your Ahjussi" I yelled and even though I didn't get any reaction from her, my family members laughed at me.

Aish!! I hate her so much.

I suddenly felt a little bit pain in my left ear and saw it was mom twisting my ear. It hurted so much.

"Ow ow Mom! What are you doing??!!!"

"Exactly what you deserve. Kook! She was our guest and you behaved with her like that. It's good she doesn't have any attitude."

"Oh come on mom! She's just one time guest. Also she helped you, you thanked her. That's it. It's over. Then why does it matter how I behaved. Also I hate her. I hated every moment with her. She is annoying, stupid and irritating. Also she's so clumsy and there's not even inch of maturity in her." I stated everything clearly but instead got a disappointed look from mom.

"Well I wanted to tell you a bit later but I think I'll have to tell now." She hesitated a bit looking at dad.

What is she even hiding. Also why is y/n suddenly so important. It's not like we are gonna meet her again. Thank God she was a guest for just a few hours. But even in this few hours she gave me a strong headache. That's what she is. A headache.

Mom took a deep breath to tell what she wants to say as I waited eagerly,

"You have to marry Y/N."

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