Chapter - 23

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Jungkook pov

I was busy with some work when I glanced at the wrist watch. It was almost 3 pm. Even though at first I decided to not pick up y/n I saw she wasn't home yet. So after an internal conflict I planned to pick her up.

While I was driving my phone kept ringing however due to bad network connection it got declined twice until the third time when I was successful in picking up the call, the Bluetooth speaker attached to the car made everything said echo through the closed windows of the car.

But what I heard gave me goosebumps as my hold on the steering wheel tightened. Y/n was in danger. A few minutes later the call got cut abruptly and I sped up. Right now she needed me.

When I reached there my blood ran cold seeing y/n being surrounded by so many men. Not many but for y/n they were still a lot.

Her face , her voice and everything about her, I hated . I hated everything about her until I saw her on her knees. Bruised, crying and blood coming out of her forehead. This scene did nothing but to wake a beast in me that I myself was unaware of. As much as I hate her, no one absolutely no one has the right to even think of touching her and there they had beaten her that badly. They touched y/n? My y/n?!

"LEAVE MY WIFE!!!" I yelled that stopped the men abruptly from hitting her further. However as soon as they saw me they didn't attack, they just ran out of their. I started running behind them but they were already in a black car and they left from there with a really fast speed. I didn't have the time to go after them because I knew y/n needed me so I rushed back to her side. She laid their coughing and covered in dirt.

I was feeling something inside me seeing her vulnerable like that. I quickly kneeled down and pulled her up slowly holding her by her back making sure she was leaning onto me.

"Are you okay?" I asked as she slowly looked at me, her eyes teary making my heart wrench on top of that I felt the guilt of not coming earlier. Had I not let my ego win she would have been saved.

One thing was clear the men's target was completely just to torture y/n, maybe not even kill her but torture her till death. Because if they had come for me they would have attacked me too. I gritted my teeth wanting find the person who treated her like this as soon as possible.

"W-where were you? I called." She asked coughing badly. It was because of the dirt.

"Shh shhh don't speak much. Also I am sorry I couldn't pick up your call because of the network. Now I am here, nothing will happen." I said and my instincts made me hug her unintentionally in a way of protecting her.

"Do you think you can walk?" I asked to which she gave a pained expression nodding. Clearly she can't walk so I picked her up in my arms. She felt light, moreover she was so weak that she didn't even object. I carried her towards my car and as we neared I put her down a little with support and opened the car's door and made her sit on the passenger's seat.

I climbed inside the car from the other side, her head was not bleeding anymore but I saw a little blood coming out of her mouth making me alarmed immediately.

"Y/n look at me." I said softly making her turn towards me.

"Listen y/n, don't be scared okay, can you tell me is your mouth hurting?" She nodded her head making me clench my palm into a fist.

"Okay now y/n rest a little, I'll take you home and treat you. If needed I'll call a doctor too." She nodded her head and resting her head on the seat she closed her eyes. This increased my heartbeat. Everytime I saw her like this it made me feel something inside my stomach as it started getting flips. I quickly started the car however made sure to drive it in a speed that was neither too fast nor too slow. I was rushing a bit so I could treat her before she falls asleep.

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