Chapter- 29

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I saw something that not only broke my heart but also made me question on my own mom. Was it the same mother, I have known for years.

She was lying there entangled with a man; I don't know who it was. But why? she always ignored me because she thought I am the reason our father is no more. Is this what she meant so long.Did she really pretend missing my dad.

They didn't realize my presence and my mom was the first one to speak. "Thank God Y/N got married,

now i can spend all my time with you."I had no idea as how I should react.

I felt anger surging inside me. She never cared about my father and also pretended to ignore me always making me feel guilty. I was speechless as I felt my throat getting dry. What was I supposed to do? Shall I tell her or just run out of the house. But I decided to stick to the first option, because I wanted to know the reason she had to do something like this.

"Mom!" my voice broke a little as she immediately turned towards me shocked and surprised. They were lying on the couch, covered with a blanket. I felt my stomach churning in disgust as I realized both of them were naked. My eyes stung with the unshed tears.

"Y/N what are you doing here, don't you know you should always knock on the door before entering? She started questioning me and my deeds as if that what was the important thing right now."

"Mom please stop pretending to be an innocent person. And for god's sake don't divert the topic. Did you even look at yourself, right now? You're literally lying naked with a stranger. I wouldn't have a problem with it had you said to me you want to move on from dad. I would have understood. But you always blamed me telling me that I am the reason you have so much misery in your life. Did you really keep making me feel guilty pretending to be sad?"

However her next words were more shocking. "Yes, I did." More than shocked I realized that humans can really be like this. She had always acted like she cannot live without dad and her life is so miserable.

"Now listen carefully, he's my boyfriend, and we have been in an affair for 15 years now. And you know what your father knew about this infidelity but he was just a fool in love. And you know why I kept acting like that? Because he wrote this whole property in your name. I decided to treat you in a way that you would feel guilty and I will be able to make you write the whole property in my name. Do you know who else knew about this? Your brother. Killed him too. We killed both your father and brother. Yes, it was not an accident rather a murder. And guess who is next? It's you."

My heartbeat got faster, was I hearing everything right. But one thing was clear if I had to find the whole truth and get justice I need to be alive. I immediately started running out of the house. I looked around it was almost evening and Jung kook's house was too far. I started running while searching for my cell phone. I freaked out realizing they weren't with me. A few minutes later I saw some shady looking men running behind me.

Clearly they were sent by mom. I kept running, it was all dark and I fell down, stumbling onto a son. I saw the men coming near me with a menacing smile on their face ready to attack me.

"Look at how beautiful, she is. It would be nice to have her scream under us." The man said with a smirk and I pulled out my heels. I attacked the man with my heel and one of them was knocked out but I realized there were 5 more. I tried my best to keep my calm but my heart was beating rapidly and I was really very scared. I was praying for something miraculous to happen as one of the men held my wrist tightly. I almost cried out, my thoughts racing, I have to protect myself.

And I suddenly saw the man trying to rip my dress. Tears made their way down my eyes as this was the final straw. But then something miraculous really happened. That man was ripped apart from me. I saw a tall muscular looking man standing in front of me. In the next few minutes all I saw was that man fighting with those goons. He seemed to be an angel sent straight from heavens. After he was done he turned towards me. His eyes looked concerned. He looked the same age as Jung kook. He was quite charming, honestly but still not like my husband. I mentally slapped myself for thinking like that in a serious time like this.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. "Come I'll drop you at your house." I contemplated whether I should trust him or not. But after all he helped me so I decided to trust him."

He escorted me to his car, he looked quite rich from the luxurious car he was having. I sat in the passenger seat and he started the car. I gave him the location. "Thank you for helping me. If you didn't reach on time, I don't know what would have happened to me." He chuckled. "It's my pleasure, but I don't think there's any need for a thanks, I mean, it's only fair that I helped you. No girl deserves to be in that situation."

I smiled at his flattery words. "By the way what is your name?"

"Y/N, I said and he smiled."

"My name is Eun woo, Cha Eun woo." I nodded my head. The rest of the drive was silent and he dropped me in front of the mansion. I waved at him and watched him as he drove off. I normally entered the mansion.

However as soon as I stepped inside I was pushed against the wall, being held by my shoulder. I hissed as my back came in contact with the wall harshly. I looked up and it was Jung kook. But something about him was different. His eyes were dilated and darkened. "Who was it?" his voice low and husky, and his eyes clearly reflected jealousy.

He suddenly held the back of my neck not too harshly but enough to make me feel goose bumps. As my head got tilted upwards, he whispered

"If you don't tell me I'll kiss you until your lips and tongue, bleeds and you beg me to stop!"

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