Chapter - 26

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Author's pov

~A week later.

Y/n has now completely recovered from all her bruises and today was a bit day. Jungkook had a party tonight arranged where all the investors of the Jeon industries would be present. This party was held by Jungkook himself on the success of a one of his business deals.

This whole week, Jungkook was quite busy and hardly shared a word with y/n except for little questions like "Did you have dinner or lunch". Right now Jungkook was getting ready for the party while y/n was getting ready in another room.

As he came out of his room, his breath hitched and his eyeballs almost came out of the socket, he closed his eyes and then again opened to see if what he was seeing was right. It was y/n's beauty that was blinding him.

He choked on thin air as the very simple looking white dress was making y/n look no less than an angel. She was dressed up by his own sister who popped up next to her wearing a gown in sky blue colour.

"So how does my sister in law look? Isn't she just breath taking?" Jungkook breathed out and said,

"Yes!" It came out in a slow whisper but y/n heard it very well and she blushed. Jungkook on realising what he said immediately shook his head.

"I mean beautiful. She's still just okay." Yuna rolled her eyes at Jungkook's comment.

"You know nothing oppa, be careful who knows maybe today some other guy might steal her from you seeing her beauty" she said and laughed, y/n joined too with a chuckle but the thought alone made Jungkook clench his jaws, he was feeling suddenly very possessive and the fact that some other guy might take a liking for her, made him absolutely angry.

"Whatever" he said trying to hide his feelings and he walked out while Yuna and Y/n followed him behind. All three of them sat in Jungkook's car, he sat on the driver's seat, y/n beside him and Yuna in the back seat.

Jungkook drove to the venue and said, "So I haven't declared in the media that y/n is my wife. So I can't enter with her". For him these words were just a simple thing but not for y/n as she felt really bad.

"You can just declare it today, what's wrong?" Yuna said and he looked at y/n. She was silent not wanting to interfere but she was looking at her lap clearly disappointed. Then Jungkook said something making her look up.

"You're right, I will declare it today itself." He said and got down of the car and opening her side of the car he extended his hand forward that y/n took and stood up.

"Stay with me, holding my hand. After this your life won't be the same anymore." He said as if preparing herself for something even bigger. But Jungkook did have his own reasons, y/n came from a simple background and suddenly getting fame, it will be difficult for her to handle it easily.

Yuna saw how both of them were just looking at each other and made no movements this made Yuna smile at them.

They were lost in each other's eyes, while Jungkook could feel himself being stuck in his own thoughts that were only about her beauty.

For the first time ever her being close to made me question, what makes her look this much pure. So pure that her beauty doesn't provokes me to touch her, kiss her or even claim her, rather to keep her in a position always above me and worship her, like she was the goddess and sacrifice myself in her feet.

His thoughts got interrupted when y/n shook him a little.

"L-lets go" he stuttered, but quickly tried to get himself composed. And then they interlinked their arms with each other. Yuna had entered with body guards because she didn't want to come much infront of media, but Jungkook had to show up, after all he was hosting the party.

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