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Her face , her voice and everything about her, I hated . I hated everything about her until I saw her on her knees. Bruised, crying and blood coming out of her forehead. This scene did nothing but to wake a beast in me that I myself was unaware of. As much as I hate her, no one absolutely no one has the right to even think of touching her and there they had beaten her that badly. They touched y/n? My y/n?!




Is a College going girl, is childish, very clumsy and sometimes sarcastic

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Is a College going girl, is childish, very clumsy and sometimes sarcastic. Loves Chocolates and Icecream and can kill someone for that. Her one bad quality is she's very sensitive and gets emotional easily. Good quality is she will never tolerate disrespect.

Jeon Jungkook

The youngest billionaire of the world

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The youngest billionaire of the world. His middle name is perfection because he strives for perfection everywhere. Way too serious about his work, makes sure to stay healthy and hates people who are not serious about life.

One bad quality is :- Can be really rude and arrogant not caring about other's feelings.
One good quality is:- Cares a lot about the people who he loves.


That's for the main characters, the other characters will be introduced as the story progresses further.


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