Chapter - 12

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I waited for him to come out of the mall, my eyes started looking outside. They stopped at a lady. Well she looked the same age as that of Jungkookshi.

Her dress looked so pretty, she was wearing a pink one piece. She had a few men behind her which was clear they were her bodyguards. I thought for a while and couldn't keep my curiosity. I jumped out of the car and limping I went towards her.

"You look really pretty." I said gaining her attention and she was a bit confused at the beginning but then smiled at me. She was almost the same height as of mine but her long heels where making her looking tall.

"Thank you girl. Normally boys roam around complimenting me or cat calling me, it's the first time a girl has complimented and I feel honoured." She had no attitude in her unlike those rich girl. She was just how Yuna was making me smile.

"You are really nice normally if I compliment a girl they think I am weird."

She laughed a little. Her laugh was looking pretty too.

"Oh dear, you look really young. And no you aren't weird at all. Infact I would say you are really cute. By the way I needed this compliment so much. Today my crush is here and I will meet him." I smiled at her compliment and I feel excited at the mention of her crush.

"Wow! He must be already head over heels for you. You are so pretty. I wonder why isn't he confessing." She chuckled at me again.

"Oh girl I already love you so much. By the way do you really think he will be head over heels for me. He really seem to ignore me though. He never looks at me properly." The description made me think about Jungkookshi. He's the same too. He never looks at my face properly. Maybe he ignores me.

"No no, you are just overthinking, I am sure he is already in love with you but is scared of confession." She laughed nodding.

"Yeah maybe. By the way, what are you doing alone here? Are you here for some shopping?"

"Yeah. Actually I am getting married two days later, so I came here with my would be husband for shopping. Right now he is inside and coming out soon." She nodded.

"Wow you are getting married. Congratulations. Your husband is very lucky to have you. I mean if I were a man I would definitely want to marry a girl like you. You're so innocent and pure. Oh see we are talking for so long and still don't know each other's name." I smiled at her compliment. Don't know if he's lucky or not but he's not at all excited to marry me.

But I kept those words inside and I just nodded extending my hand.

"I am Kim Y/n." She shook the hand happily.

"Nice name y/n. I am Bella, Bella Golmes."

"You aren't Korean are you?"

"Yes, actually my mom's Korean and my dad is American." I nodded understanding what she meant.

"Okay y/n, nice to meet you. Hope we meet again and happy married life." I smiled at her.

"Yeah we will surely meet again. Also all the best with your crush." I said and she laughed nodding.

Finally after waving she went inside while I got back inside the car to sit. I just cannot stay still. But I really felt so good talking to her.

I played some songs in the car, while waiting for them to come out.


After I made sure y/n was inside the car, I started searching for Yuna. I soon found her but she wanted to buy some more clothes for Taehyungie Hyung. Sometimes I feel like they are getting way too much close to each other but because it's Taehyung I don't mind it.

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