Chapter - 28

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I very slowly opened my eyes as I was still feeling very dizzy, but as soon as my vision got clear I saw Jungkook, he was sleeping, keeping his head my side, sitting on a chair. I looked around and as soon as the smell of the chemicals hit my nostrils, I realised I was in a hospital.

"Jungkookshi" I called slowly and he immediately shot his head up, and seeing me awake he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me he broke down into tears.

"I got so scared when you fainted, I am so sorry for leaving you alone. It's my fault. You aren't hurt anywhere right?" He said and kept caressing my back, and I felt the nervousness in his voice.

I could only wonder about one thing, can someone really be so much worried for me that they would break down into tears. My hands wrapped him back as I caressed his back and he stopped crying and pulled away wiping his tears.

Did I just witness the coldest and most rude man crying? Wasn't he the one telling me how much he hates me? And what was this feeling I was getting inside me, the time seemed getting stuck and my mind could think no more because all I could see and think was him.

He looked in my eyes and cupped my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook's voice sounded so soft and caring so unlike him as if I was meeting a completely different person.

"Yes." I said and he sighed and nodded his head.

"I have made sure that Kevin gets his punishment, he was arrested. All the hyungs and Yuna were very worried for your health, but I told them to go home, I'll inform them later." He narrated everything and I could somewhat imagine what might have happened after I passed out.

"So what I was asking.." I started and Jungkook who was looking through the medicines looked up.


"Well the party, you were throwing it right? And a lot of guests were present, even media was there, your image will be now hampered because of me. Afterall I am your wife, you must have to face a lot of problems isn't it?" I asked, I was genuinely concerned because I understood how much it was important for the businessmen to keep a good reputation in the society.

He looked at me for a minute and there was a complete silence that prevailed in the room.

"Look, I know we don't share a very good bond as a husband and wife does and might be you still don't understand me much, but Jeon Jungkook is not what you think. I am very much indulged into my work and yes I am a billionaire and all but for me my family is always before everything.

Also it was not your fault. I don't know why it is expected from women to act like they are guilty when they are the victim. You were the one who was hurt, it was surely my party but what happened with you doesn't make you as a disgrace to me. Instead if we really think like that, I should have made the security more strict, it was my party after all. So don't blame yourself for things like this." He said and I kept listening to everything he had to say.

I felt guilty for doubting someone like him, but the next moment he cupped my cheeks and made me look into his eyes.

"Look y/n,  whatever happened has happened. I wanted to tell this to you after the party gets over but I failed then so now I want to tell you, I got some information about your past. And I just want to say, we might not be in the same page right now but can't we give a chance to this marriage? Now that it's clear our fates have got entwined let's be friends. I will still keep my promise, that if you want to get out of this marriage, you can anyday. But let's not fight with each other anymore. What do you say?"

Confusion and surprise got etched onto my face. Was I even hearing right? Or was it just a dream of mine.

"A-are you sure?" He nodded his head.

"Look I might not be able to love you but we can atleast be friends. Afterall you're still very young, you need some support for your studies and your future dreams. I'll help you with that." My fingers clutched onto the hem of the dress that was on me, I looked at him and realised that maybe he's not that bad. Maybe we can become friends atleast.

"Okay." I replied, and he gave me a slow smile and a nod.

"I am looking forward to it." He said and then everything happened in a daze. As he fulfilled other formalities and I was discharged. My thoughts kept wandering among the fact that maybe a better life was awaiting for me. As he drove the car I kept looking outside, the cool breeze hitting my face and my open hair waving by it. I felt good, after everything it really felt like a bliss.

I sighed knowing that only if I didn't have the sudden panick attack I could have avoided everything but for that moment everything seemed to be so similar to what I have faced already in the past. In my entire life I would never want to repeat that once again.

I played with my fingers when Jungkook stopped the car I looked outside but frowned.

"Jungkook why are we here?" I ask and he smiles a little.

"Mom and Dad said you must be missing your mother so I thought that for today you can stay here. Look I have an important work today, so I can't accompany you, but at night I'll pick you up again." He said and I once again saw outside. My house, our house. The house I have spent all the happy and sad memories at. But my heart started skipping beats, mom would never be happy to see me.

But knowing I have no other way I agreed. Once Jungkook drove off I entered the house only to encounter something that shattered my heart into pieces.


So, I am really sorry. I am not having a really good time right now and that's why I am not being able to update the books. And this is something which I shouldn't do because that really makes a reader lose their interest. But I am really bounded by a few things right now. Please pardon my absence for so long. I am trying to overcome the problems and get regular again.

~Love Y'all ❤️

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