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Fucking nine in the morning, I am being woken up at nine in the morning to go I don't even know where. To say Alex was confused was an understatement. Lily had randomly woken Alex up to announce to her that they were going on a road trip for a couple of days. Nothing too extravagant according to Lily, but Alex was still sceptical – and tired. She was definitely too tired to think about the why and how so she simply decided to accept it. Alex knew anyways that once she was up, she was unable to go back to sleep so she just got up and dressed with an outfit prepared by Lily. The girls' suitcases had also been packed beforehand but Alex wasn't allowed to look at what was inside as Lily didn't want her friend to recognise almost all of the clothes they had packed a few days prior when they went to Atlanta.

"You can get ready in the car," Lily suggested. "It's quite a long drive."

"M'kay, I'll forget how suspicious all of this is right now. You're lucky to have chosen my favourite hoodie."

The piece of clothing in question was a GAP orange hoodie that Alex had been over the moon to find as it was exactly the same one owned by none other than Chris Sturniolo, which Lily knew perfectly. As Lily had chosen for Alex to support Chris's team again – he did win last time, she had decided to wear a fully blue outfit in honour Matt's request at the Atlanta show.

"Can I trust you not to look at your location on your phone?" Lily asked Alex once they were in the car and ready to leave.

"Yeah, I promise to keep our destination a surprise because I trust you," Alex replied with a playful tone.


    Almost two hours later, the girls were nearing Orlando. As Alex had tried to not pay attention to the road signs and given her poor sense of direction, she had no idea where they were going until the huge ORLANDO: NEXT EXIT sign appeared above the road.

"Wait a damn minute– are we going to Orlando for the reason I think we're going to Orlando for?" Alex turned to Lily as she was getting hopeful.

"Well, I don't know..." Lily couldn't resist a smile. "What are you imagining?"

"Lilyyy", Alex dragged out the last vowel. "Please tell me we're going to see the triplets again?"

Alex's voice was almost pitiful as she was now a hundred percent sure that they were there for them. As Lily told Alex to open her most recent conversation on Instagram, the blonde started reading the messages and almost screamed from pure joy as she now had the confirmation that they had tickets to the Orlando show of the Versus Tour.

"You cannot know how I would be ready to marry you right now for this", Alex said as she just wanted to hug her best friend.

"I mean– we can always ask the venue if they do weddings", Lily laughed at her own comment which in turn made Alex laugh as well.

Alex was over the moon and couldn't stop thanking Lily until they arrived at their hotel's parking lot. They checked in their rooms and began to get changed as Alex discovered what was in her suitcase.

"I understand now why I'm wearing my Chris hoodie, but what was the point of packing so many clothes?"

"You don't expect us to wear the exact same thing two shows in a row, don't you?"

"What–" Alex was really confused as she wasn't even wearing anything that she wore in Atlanta. Once again, she got hit with a wave of hope as she thought she was getting it. "I swear to God if you mean a third show, I'm buying rings right now and asking Nick to marry us today."

Lily simply handed four pieces of paper to Alex and let her read them. The first two were for the show of today in Orlando while the other two had TAMPA written on them. Alex couldn't believe that it was more than simply being at the shows. Indeed, they were going to be able to take pictures again with the triplets and even have the opportunity to talk to them before the show the next day.

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