Chapter Twelve: Public

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Asher Adair

I have noticed a trend when it came to the Windsor triplets. They seemed to sit, sulk, and pout when they didn't get their way. Cameron was sitting in a chair on the other side of my desk, looking anywhere that wasn't me. Pouting.

Truthfully, I didn't want to leave him alone in the apartment after what I witnessed when he smashed the bathroom mirror. I still haven't had the guts to ask him for further details about his mental spiral that day. I was afraid to know. It happened quite soon after I denied his plead to talk, and I wondered if I somehow triggered him. It seemed logical. Cameron told me that he asked to talk to me because he was going to tell me about what I learned from the news.

And as Cameron predicted--the media was quick to swarm the bottom of my building after he was caught outside. They wanted more details. They wanted anything they could get their hands on. It wasn't fucking fair to him. They didn't need to know more about what happened to him for their gain. It was his personal life. His trauma. And the media treated it as a way to make a quick buck. I'd always hated the media--they were vultures. And even after eight years, I still wasn't used to it.

Cameron leaned forward and plucked the glass sphere off of my desk. "My intrusive thoughts want to throw this into the glass window and see if it will shatter it."

I folded my hands over the stack of papers sitting on my desk. "I'd rather you didn't."

He tossed it in the air and caught it with his good hand. "Ah, I am famous for breaking glass now. I should keep up with my title." How did his spirits seem so boosted right now? I wanted to fall apart, but I also knew I had to keep my composure. He held his so well. "How long do you have to be here today, and can I take an Uber to the Chinese place a few streets down?"

Taking the papers from the middle of my desk, I dropped them on the left edge. "Not long. I have to attend a quick meeting and sign off on some paperwork."

Cameron set the glass sphere back in its original place. "Did you sign a new client?"

"Mm." I hummed. "They're starting out much like Alastar, Liam, and Ace. I am wrapping things up with them today. I have a feeling they'll grow rather quickly."

"You grew your company so fast. I don't mean to sound rude when I ask, but how is it profitable to sign someone whose name isn't known?"

"They become known. With the right marketing and the right equipment, they can succeed if they really want to." I sighed, meeting his curious gaze. "I was once the person who wasn't getting anywhere with his very big dream. If someone has potential, then I have no problem having them sign alongside me. I make a profit once they grow. So, while they aren't immediately profitable to me, it doesn't matter. I'll spend the money on supplies. I'll put them next door, and I'll await them to make the magic they dreamed of making."

Cameron smiled, putting his elbows on his legs and cradling his chin in his hands. "Ever so selfless, Asher. What time is your meeting?"

I checked my watch. "Now." I met his gaze again. "But everyone waits for the boss. It helps to make them sweat a little. Would you like to accompany me? We can leave right after."

"Say no more." Cameron held his hand up as he stood on his feet. "I'm starving. So long as you're only signing. I can't attend an important meeting; that would be severely unprofessional."

Standing up, I straightened out my jacket and buttoned the top button. "Hate to break it to you, Cameron, but when you're the boss, you can do whatever you want."

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